I'm trying and totally failing to get PD working with a Hammerfall 9652.
(System: Red Hat 7.1 - kernel 2.4.2. Using the PD 0.33P2 RPM.)
The rme96xx module doesn't install cleanly. "make install" seems broken due to a macro fault in the Makefile:
install -m 644 rme96xx.o /lib/modules/#include <linux/rhconfig.h>/kernel/drivers/sound
/bin/sh: linux/rhconfig.h: No such file or directory
I copied it by hand, but got complaints about unresolved symbols when doing a modprobe/insmod. Sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it refuses, sometimes it complains "No such device". The docs claim that this module release is compatible with this kernel version.
The rmectrl program doesn't seem to work either: the X11 version shows lots of options but they can't be changed. In fact, they're also wrong: the card is shown at 48KHz when my Roland desk has clearly locked to it at 44.1.
The ALSA support in PD doesn't match that which comes with Red Hat 7.1 so I get:
warning: Pd compiled for Alsa version 0.9 appears to be incompatible with
the installed version of ALSA. Here is what I found in /proc/asound/version:
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 0.5.11.
Compiled on Aug 27 2001 for kernel 2.4.2-2 with versioned symbols.
snd_pcm_open (input): Sound protocol is not compatible
snd_pcm_open (output): Sound protocol is not compatible
audio I/O stuck... closing audio
Tried building PD from source, specifying --enable-rme. So tried "pd -rme" which gives:
RME9652: failed to open /dev/rme9652/C0da1 writeonly
RME9652: failed to open /dev/rme9652/C0ad1 readonly
RME9652: configuring 0, fd=0, sr=44100
, dac=0
RME9652: Could not set sampling rate for device
RME9652: Could not set DSP format
RME9652: Could not set channels
RME9652: configuring 0, fd=0, sr=44100
, dac=1
RME9652: Could not set sampling rate for device
RME9652: Could not set DSP format
RME9652: Could not set channels
RME: ioctl on output device 0 failedRME: ioctl SOUND_PCM_GETOSPACE says 1 buffsize
audio I/O stuck... closing audio
Where do the /dev entries come from? MAKEDEV doesn't know about them. Does this require a kernel build?
(Aside: PD's "make install" is broken if /usr/local/include doesn't exist; it creates it as a plain file and breaks gcc.)
Built with ALSA 0.5x, PD gets are far as trying 1 input/1 output and then just gives screeds of file descriptor error messages.
Would someone please try to persuade me that I'm not just completely wasting my time? -=- MIME -=- This is a multi-part message in MIME format
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Nick Rothwell Cassiel.com Limited nick@cassiel.com http://www.cassiel.com _________________________________________________________________________= __ Visit http://www.visto.com. Find out how companies are linking mobile users to the=20 enterprise with Visto.
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On 29 Aug 2001 08:33:58 -0000, Nick Rothwell wrote:
I'm trying and totally failing to get PD working with a=
(System: Red Hat 7.1 - kernel 2.4.2. Using the PD 0.33P2 RPM.)
The rme96xx module doesn't install cleanly. "make install"=
broken due to a macro fault in the Makefile:
..edit the path settings to your kernel in the makefile....
inshure to use the latest version of pd and the rme drivers: xdv.org/pub/gige/pd/
after that it worked, and no need for the ctrl tool within pd by using usind adat.converters
cu andreas
-- andreas.poegl, a.poegl@progressive-art.org on 29.08.2001
(System: Red Hat 7.1 - kernel 2.4.2. Using the PD 0.33P2 RPM.)
The rme96xx module doesn't install cleanly. "make install" seems broken due to a macro fault in the Makefile:
better use a kernel > 2.4.5, since there should be the sound/
Tried building PD from source, specifying --enable-rme. So tried "pd -rme" which gives:
compile pd without the rme enable and start it without -rme flag, since the flag -rme is only for the rme9652 driver for kernels 2.2.x
with eg. -inchannels 8 -outchannels 8
now it should work (use rmectl utility to check the card status, should be synced when using )
mfg winfried
better use a kernel > 2.4.5, since there should be the sound/
OK. Kernel builds are a bit of a pain, but I've done them before and I'll no doubt be doing them again...
compile pd without the rme enable and start it without -rme flag, since the flag -rme is only for the rme9652 driver for kernels 2.2.x
I'm sure I tried it with snd-rme9652 and snd-card-rme9652 loaded and it didn't help. The documentation was not clear about what "-rme" did: my reading of it was that it forced PD to use some kind of built-in RME support.
with eg. -inchannels 8 -outchannels 8
Are you implying that this now all works with ALSA? I'm still not sure about how this all hangs together with all the different kernel versions and drivers.
On 29 Aug 2001 14:11:59 -0000, Nick Rothwell wrote:
better use a kernel > 2.4.5, since there should be the sound/
OK. Kernel builds are a bit of a pain, but I've done them before and I'll no doubt be doing them again...
compile pd without the rme enable and start it without -rme flag, since the flag -rme is only for the rme9652 driver for kernels 2.2.x
I'm sure I tried it with snd-rme9652 and snd-card-rme9652 loaded and it didn't help. The documentation was not clear about what "-rme" did: my reading of it was that it forced PD to use some kind of built-in RME support.
with eg. -inchannels 8 -outchannels 8
Are you implying that this now all works with ALSA? I'm still not sure about how this all hangs together with all the different kernel versions and drivers.
Nick Rothwell Cassiel.com Limited nick@cassiel.com www.cassiel.com systems - composition - installation - performance
i had the same shit! all drivers shipping with my suse distribution did not do anything. --> use günter geigers (nice greetings) drivers from ftp.xdv.org/pub/gige/pd/ theese work only withing pd and a little oss. compile them and listen to your hammerfall.
cu andreas
-- andreas.poegl, a.poegl@progressive-art.org on 30.08.2001