I just released a plugin for Quartz Composer with source. It provides
a bit of a hackish way to move textures from one 'VJ' (god I hate that
term) app, to another. Basically, its glorified screen capture, but it
stays on the GPU. You can use it to 'sample' a texture from anything
on screen.
Its *very* fast because it does no readback. On my system I am able to
capture full res 1440x900 (my whole screen) at a solid 60fps. Perhaps
a GEM dev could port it - I'd attempt it, but I imagine someone could
quite easily do this.. It could be very useful to the communities to
have a method to move video to and fro from GEM to other environments
and back. (although, its hardly an ideal method).
Ive used it to move Processing output, Jitter output, GEM output to
Quartz Composer sans issue.
You have my blessings to port it, share on, and Peace.