Hello, Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was discussed a few months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the output from a ctlin from David McCallum's site http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html
Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller.
The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn message. It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x 10.3.9 and pd.app 0.38-4RC0.
Any ideas ?
Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is outputting the midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message.
01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter MSB 0 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter LSB 10 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (coarse) 3 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (fine) 105
I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to upload them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The logic hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe).
Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems with [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using the nrpn controllers?
Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've never actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why I spent the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work.
cheers, David __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hello, Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was discussed a few months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the output from a ctlin from David McCallum's site http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html
Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller.
The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn message. It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x 10.3.9 and pd.app 0.38-4RC0.
Any ideas ?
Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is outputting the midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message.
01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter MSB 0 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter LSB 10 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (coarse) 3 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (fine) 105
#N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; #X text 156 337 value; #X text 214 316 parameter; #X obj 110 335 outlet; #X obj 167 313 outlet; #X obj 224 290 outlet; #X text 273 289 channel; #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; #X obj 120 26 ctlin; #X text 166 530 value; #X text 220 499 parameter; #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; #X obj 120 97 route $2; #X obj 171 120 spigot; #X obj 208 28 loadbang; #X obj 208 49 f $2; #X obj 208 70 sel 0; #X msg 208 92 1; #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; #X obj 171 363 spigot; #X obj 208 275 loadbang; #X obj 208 317 sel 0; #X msg 208 339 1; #X obj 120 249 route $1; #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; #X obj 208 296 f $1; #X obj 120 528 outlet; #X obj 171 496 outlet; #X msg 220 147 $1; #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; #X obj 221 463 outlet; #X text 270 462 channel; #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't think of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 becomes omni. Sorry!; #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; #X obj 37 19 inlet; #X obj 37 419 outlet; #X obj 37 294 glue; #X obj 85 292 nop; #X obj 37 42 route 99; #X obj 37 72 t f b; #X obj 37 330 route 38; #X msg 67 207 list; #X obj 37 376 route 6; #X obj 37 397 route 98; #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an NRPN! ; #X obj 213 241 sel; #X obj 127 192 route list float; #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; #X obj 229 262 bang; #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC controllers. [glue]; #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , basically make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs aren't NRPN. ; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 2 0 15 0; #X connect 3 0 2 1; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 4 1 2 0; #X connect 5 0 2 0; #X connect 5 1 7 0; #X connect 6 0 10 0; #X connect 7 0 2 1; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 1 0; #X connect 10 0 8 0; #X connect 14 1 17 0; #X connect 15 0 16 0; #X connect 15 1 14 1; #X connect 16 3 14 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; #X obj 131 149 +; #X obj 79 148 +; #X obj 79 114 * 128; #X obj 131 113 * 128; #X obj 79 180 pack f f; #X obj 79 47 inlet; #X obj 79 250 outlet; #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for the parameter , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the parameter and parameter value; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 2 1; #X connect 0 2 4 0; #X connect 0 3 1 1; #X connect 1 0 5 1; #X connect 2 0 5 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 3 1; #X connect 0 2 3 2; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 6 0; #X connect 6 0 17 0; #X connect 6 0 21 0; #X connect 7 0 8 0; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 6 1; #X connect 12 0 22 0; #X connect 13 0 18 0; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 15 0 12 1; #X connect 16 0 19 0; #X connect 16 1 12 0; #X connect 17 0 26 0; #X connect 18 0 14 0; #X connect 21 0 23 0; #X connect 22 0 20 0; #X connect 22 1 19 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 27 0 16 0; #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. This has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlin]; #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 -99865 0; #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 11 0 7 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0;
#N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; #X obj 130 20 inlet; #X obj 80 150 mod 128; #X obj 155 150 div 128; #X obj 130 115 t f f; #X obj 216 20 inlet; #X obj 216 150 mod 128; #X obj 278 150 div 128; #X obj 216 115 t f f; #X obj 142 258 f; #X obj 203 258 f; #X obj 265 258 f; #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; #X obj 228 48 loadbang; #X obj 228 72 f $1; #X obj 303 294 loadbang; #X obj 289 344 sel 0; #X obj 289 320 f $2; #X obj 289 274 inlet; #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I can't parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 11 0; #X connect 2 0 8 1; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 3 1 2 0; #X connect 4 0 7 0; #X connect 5 0 9 1; #X connect 6 0 10 1; #X connect 7 0 5 0; #X connect 7 1 6 0; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 11 0 15 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #X connect 11 3 10 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X connect 18 0 20 0; #X connect 19 1 12 2; #X connect 19 1 13 2; #X connect 19 1 14 2; #X connect 19 1 15 2; #X connect 20 0 19 0; #X connect 21 0 20 0; #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; #X obj 141 170 inlet; #X obj 201 197 inlet; #X obj 262 224 inlet; #X text 190 165 value; #X text 299 224 channel; #X text 242 194 parameter; #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlout]; #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 1 1; #X connect 4 0 1 2;
Hi David, The problem is with ctlin. I attached a print to a ctlin. Loads of numbers for standard cc messages. Not a sausage for nrpn! Any other ideas out there? Thanks Nick
On 7 Jul 2005, at 06:32, David NG McCallum wrote:
I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to upload them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The logic hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe).
Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems with [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using the nrpn controllers?
Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've never actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why I spent the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work.
cheers, David __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hello, Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was discussed a few months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the output from a ctlin from David McCallum's site http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html
Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller.
The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn message. It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x 10.3.9 and pd.app 0.38-4RC0.
Any ideas ?
Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is outputting the midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message.
01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter MSB 0 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter LSB 10 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (coarse)
3 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (fine)
105#N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; #X text 156 337 value; #X text 214 316 parameter; #X obj 110 335 outlet; #X obj 167 313 outlet; #X obj 224 290 outlet; #X text 273 289 channel; #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; #X obj 120 26 ctlin; #X text 166 530 value; #X text 220 499 parameter; #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; #X obj 120 97 route $2; #X obj 171 120 spigot; #X obj 208 28 loadbang; #X obj 208 49 f $2; #X obj 208 70 sel 0; #X msg 208 92 1; #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; #X obj 171 363 spigot; #X obj 208 275 loadbang; #X obj 208 317 sel 0; #X msg 208 339 1; #X obj 120 249 route $1; #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; #X obj 208 296 f $1; #X obj 120 528 outlet; #X obj 171 496 outlet; #X msg 220 147 $1; #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; #X obj 221 463 outlet; #X text 270 462 channel; #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't think of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 becomes omni. Sorry!; #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; #X obj 37 19 inlet; #X obj 37 419 outlet; #X obj 37 294 glue; #X obj 85 292 nop; #X obj 37 42 route 99; #X obj 37 72 t f b; #X obj 37 330 route 38; #X msg 67 207 list; #X obj 37 376 route 6; #X obj 37 397 route 98; #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an NRPN! ; #X obj 213 241 sel; #X obj 127 192 route list float; #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; #X obj 229 262 bang; #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC controllers. [glue]; #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , basically make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs aren't NRPN. ; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 2 0 15 0; #X connect 3 0 2 1; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 4 1 2 0; #X connect 5 0 2 0; #X connect 5 1 7 0; #X connect 6 0 10 0; #X connect 7 0 2 1; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 1 0; #X connect 10 0 8 0; #X connect 14 1 17 0; #X connect 15 0 16 0; #X connect 15 1 14 1; #X connect 16 3 14 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; #X obj 131 149 +; #X obj 79 148 +; #X obj 79 114 * 128; #X obj 131 113 * 128; #X obj 79 180 pack f f; #X obj 79 47 inlet; #X obj 79 250 outlet; #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for the parameter , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the parameter and parameter value; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 2 1; #X connect 0 2 4 0; #X connect 0 3 1 1; #X connect 1 0 5 1; #X connect 2 0 5 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 3 1; #X connect 0 2 3 2; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 6 0; #X connect 6 0 17 0; #X connect 6 0 21 0; #X connect 7 0 8 0; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 6 1; #X connect 12 0 22 0; #X connect 13 0 18 0; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 15 0 12 1; #X connect 16 0 19 0; #X connect 16 1 12 0; #X connect 17 0 26 0; #X connect 18 0 14 0; #X connect 21 0 23 0; #X connect 22 0 20 0; #X connect 22 1 19 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 27 0 16 0; #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. This has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlin]; #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 -99865 0; #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 11 0 7 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; #X obj 130 20 inlet; #X obj 80 150 mod 128; #X obj 155 150 div 128; #X obj 130 115 t f f; #X obj 216 20 inlet; #X obj 216 150 mod 128; #X obj 278 150 div 128; #X obj 216 115 t f f; #X obj 142 258 f; #X obj 203 258 f; #X obj 265 258 f; #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; #X obj 228 48 loadbang; #X obj 228 72 f $1; #X obj 303 294 loadbang; #X obj 289 344 sel 0; #X obj 289 320 f $2; #X obj 289 274 inlet; #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I can't parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 11 0; #X connect 2 0 8 1; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 3 1 2 0; #X connect 4 0 7 0; #X connect 5 0 9 1; #X connect 6 0 10 1; #X connect 7 0 5 0; #X connect 7 1 6 0; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 11 0 15 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #X connect 11 3 10 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X connect 18 0 20 0; #X connect 19 1 12 2; #X connect 19 1 13 2; #X connect 19 1 14 2; #X connect 19 1 15 2; #X connect 20 0 19 0; #X connect 21 0 20 0; #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; #X obj 141 170 inlet; #X obj 201 197 inlet; #X obj 262 224 inlet; #X text 190 165 value; #X text 299 224 channel; #X text 242 194 parameter; #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlout]; #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 1 1; #X connect 4 0 1 2;
Checking http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/nrpn.htm it seems that nrpns _are_ standard cc messages: they're 98 and 99. If your [ctlin] outputs those then the problem is with the nrpn abstraction.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hi David, The problem is with ctlin. I attached a print to a ctlin. Loads of numbers for standard cc messages. Not a sausage for nrpn! Any other ideas out there? Thanks Nick
On 7 Jul 2005, at 06:32, David NG McCallum wrote:
I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to upload them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The logic hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe).
Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems with [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using the nrpn controllers?
Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've never actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why I spent the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work.
cheers, David __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hello, Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was discussed a few months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the output from a ctlin from David McCallum's site http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html
Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller.
The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn message. It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x 10.3.9 and pd.app 0.38-4RC0.
Any ideas ?
Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is outputting the midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message.
01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter MSB 0 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter LSB 10 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (coarse) 3 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (fine)
105#N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; #X text 156 337 value; #X text 214 316 parameter; #X obj 110 335 outlet; #X obj 167 313 outlet; #X obj 224 290 outlet; #X text 273 289 channel; #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; #X obj 120 26 ctlin; #X text 166 530 value; #X text 220 499 parameter; #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; #X obj 120 97 route $2; #X obj 171 120 spigot; #X obj 208 28 loadbang; #X obj 208 49 f $2; #X obj 208 70 sel 0; #X msg 208 92 1; #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; #X obj 171 363 spigot; #X obj 208 275 loadbang; #X obj 208 317 sel 0; #X msg 208 339 1; #X obj 120 249 route $1; #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; #X obj 208 296 f $1; #X obj 120 528 outlet; #X obj 171 496 outlet; #X msg 220 147 $1; #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; #X obj 221 463 outlet; #X text 270 462 channel; #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't think of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 becomes omni. Sorry!; #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; #X obj 37 19 inlet; #X obj 37 419 outlet; #X obj 37 294 glue; #X obj 85 292 nop; #X obj 37 42 route 99; #X obj 37 72 t f b; #X obj 37 330 route 38; #X msg 67 207 list; #X obj 37 376 route 6; #X obj 37 397 route 98; #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an NRPN! ; #X obj 213 241 sel; #X obj 127 192 route list float; #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; #X obj 229 262 bang; #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC controllers. [glue]; #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , basically make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs aren't NRPN. ; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 2 0 15 0; #X connect 3 0 2 1; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 4 1 2 0; #X connect 5 0 2 0; #X connect 5 1 7 0; #X connect 6 0 10 0; #X connect 7 0 2 1; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 1 0; #X connect 10 0 8 0; #X connect 14 1 17 0; #X connect 15 0 16 0; #X connect 15 1 14 1; #X connect 16 3 14 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; #X obj 131 149 +; #X obj 79 148 +; #X obj 79 114 * 128; #X obj 131 113 * 128; #X obj 79 180 pack f f; #X obj 79 47 inlet; #X obj 79 250 outlet; #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for the parameter , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the parameter and parameter value; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 2 1; #X connect 0 2 4 0; #X connect 0 3 1 1; #X connect 1 0 5 1; #X connect 2 0 5 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 3 1; #X connect 0 2 3 2; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 6 0; #X connect 6 0 17 0; #X connect 6 0 21 0; #X connect 7 0 8 0; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 6 1; #X connect 12 0 22 0; #X connect 13 0 18 0; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 15 0 12 1; #X connect 16 0 19 0; #X connect 16 1 12 0; #X connect 17 0 26 0; #X connect 18 0 14 0; #X connect 21 0 23 0; #X connect 22 0 20 0; #X connect 22 1 19 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 27 0 16 0; #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. This has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlin]; #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 -99865 0; #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 11 0 7 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; #X obj 130 20 inlet; #X obj 80 150 mod 128; #X obj 155 150 div 128; #X obj 130 115 t f f; #X obj 216 20 inlet; #X obj 216 150 mod 128; #X obj 278 150 div 128; #X obj 216 115 t f f; #X obj 142 258 f; #X obj 203 258 f; #X obj 265 258 f; #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; #X obj 228 48 loadbang; #X obj 228 72 f $1; #X obj 303 294 loadbang; #X obj 289 344 sel 0; #X obj 289 320 f $2; #X obj 289 274 inlet; #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I can't parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 11 0; #X connect 2 0 8 1; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 3 1 2 0; #X connect 4 0 7 0; #X connect 5 0 9 1; #X connect 6 0 10 1; #X connect 7 0 5 0; #X connect 7 1 6 0; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 11 0 15 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #X connect 11 3 10 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X connect 18 0 20 0; #X connect 19 1 12 2; #X connect 19 1 13 2; #X connect 19 1 14 2; #X connect 19 1 15 2; #X connect 20 0 19 0; #X connect 21 0 20 0; #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; #X obj 141 170 inlet; #X obj 201 197 inlet; #X obj 262 224 inlet; #X text 190 165 value; #X text 299 224 channel; #X text 242 194 parameter; #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlout]; #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 1 1; #X connect 4 0 1 2;
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
No the abstraction is fine. Its ctlin thats the problem.. NRPNs are (as far as i understand) just four controller messages in a row. cc99 , cc98, specifying the parameter to affect and cc6 and cc38 specifying the value. looking at plumstone output (a java extension for OS X with a tester app that shows incoming midi) I see this is the case. e.g.
time ch cc data 9567000 [11:4 99 0] 9567000 [11:4 98 4] 9567000 [11:4 6 10] 9567000 [11:4 38 27]
so thats why i dont see why ctlin has a problem with them. If i send a cc99 message to ctlin it has no problem.
Is nrpn just not supported by ctlin on os x?
On 7 Jul 2005, at 17:01, Martin Peach wrote:
Checking http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/nrpn.htm it seems that nrpns _are_ standard cc messages: they're 98 and 99. If your [ctlin] outputs those then the problem is with the nrpn abstraction.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hi David, The problem is with ctlin. I attached a print to a ctlin. Loads of numbers for standard cc messages. Not a sausage for nrpn! Any other ideas out there? Thanks Nick
On 7 Jul 2005, at 06:32, David NG McCallum wrote:
I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to upload them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The logic hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe).
Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems with [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using the nrpn controllers?
Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've never actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why I spent the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work.
cheers, David __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hello, Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was discussed a few months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the output from a ctlin from David McCallum's site http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html
Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller.
The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn message. It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x 10.3.9 and pd.app 0.38-4RC0.
Any ideas ?
Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is outputting the midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message.
01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter MSB 0 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter LSB 10 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (coarse) 3 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (fine)
105#N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; #X text 156 337 value; #X text 214 316 parameter; #X obj 110 335 outlet; #X obj 167 313 outlet; #X obj 224 290 outlet; #X text 273 289 channel; #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; #X obj 120 26 ctlin; #X text 166 530 value; #X text 220 499 parameter; #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; #X obj 120 97 route $2; #X obj 171 120 spigot; #X obj 208 28 loadbang; #X obj 208 49 f $2; #X obj 208 70 sel 0; #X msg 208 92 1; #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; #X obj 171 363 spigot; #X obj 208 275 loadbang; #X obj 208 317 sel 0; #X msg 208 339 1; #X obj 120 249 route $1; #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; #X obj 208 296 f $1; #X obj 120 528 outlet; #X obj 171 496 outlet; #X msg 220 147 $1; #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; #X obj 221 463 outlet; #X text 270 462 channel; #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't think of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 becomes omni. Sorry!; #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; #X obj 37 19 inlet; #X obj 37 419 outlet; #X obj 37 294 glue; #X obj 85 292 nop; #X obj 37 42 route 99; #X obj 37 72 t f b; #X obj 37 330 route 38; #X msg 67 207 list; #X obj 37 376 route 6; #X obj 37 397 route 98; #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an NRPN! ; #X obj 213 241 sel; #X obj 127 192 route list float; #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; #X obj 229 262 bang; #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC controllers. [glue]; #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , basically make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs aren't NRPN. ; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 2 0 15 0; #X connect 3 0 2 1; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 4 1 2 0; #X connect 5 0 2 0; #X connect 5 1 7 0; #X connect 6 0 10 0; #X connect 7 0 2 1; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 1 0; #X connect 10 0 8 0; #X connect 14 1 17 0; #X connect 15 0 16 0; #X connect 15 1 14 1; #X connect 16 3 14 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; #X obj 131 149 +; #X obj 79 148 +; #X obj 79 114 * 128; #X obj 131 113 * 128; #X obj 79 180 pack f f; #X obj 79 47 inlet; #X obj 79 250 outlet; #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for the parameter , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the parameter and parameter value; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 2 1; #X connect 0 2 4 0; #X connect 0 3 1 1; #X connect 1 0 5 1; #X connect 2 0 5 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 3 1; #X connect 0 2 3 2; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 6 0; #X connect 6 0 17 0; #X connect 6 0 21 0; #X connect 7 0 8 0; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 6 1; #X connect 12 0 22 0; #X connect 13 0 18 0; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 15 0 12 1; #X connect 16 0 19 0; #X connect 16 1 12 0; #X connect 17 0 26 0; #X connect 18 0 14 0; #X connect 21 0 23 0; #X connect 22 0 20 0; #X connect 22 1 19 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 27 0 16 0; #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. This has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlin]; #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 -99865 0; #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 11 0 7 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; #X obj 130 20 inlet; #X obj 80 150 mod 128; #X obj 155 150 div 128; #X obj 130 115 t f f; #X obj 216 20 inlet; #X obj 216 150 mod 128; #X obj 278 150 div 128; #X obj 216 115 t f f; #X obj 142 258 f; #X obj 203 258 f; #X obj 265 258 f; #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; #X obj 228 48 loadbang; #X obj 228 72 f $1; #X obj 303 294 loadbang; #X obj 289 344 sel 0; #X obj 289 320 f $2; #X obj 289 274 inlet; #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I can't parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 11 0; #X connect 2 0 8 1; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 3 1 2 0; #X connect 4 0 7 0; #X connect 5 0 9 1; #X connect 6 0 10 1; #X connect 7 0 5 0; #X connect 7 1 6 0; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 11 0 15 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #X connect 11 3 10 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X connect 18 0 20 0; #X connect 19 1 12 2; #X connect 19 1 13 2; #X connect 19 1 14 2; #X connect 19 1 15 2; #X connect 20 0 19 0; #X connect 21 0 20 0; #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; #X obj 141 170 inlet; #X obj 201 197 inlet; #X obj 262 224 inlet; #X text 190 165 value; #X text 299 224 channel; #X text 242 194 parameter; #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlout]; #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 1 1; #X connect 4 0 1 2;
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
The source code for the ctlin object is in s_midi.c and x_midi.c, all it does is list whatever cc message comes its way. There is no difference between cc98 and cc3 as far as [ctlin] is concerned. No other filtering is done inside pd. If you open the nrpnin abstraction that David attached you'll see that it contains a [ctlin] and is otherwise made of standard pd objects that all work on OSX. I would make a simple patch like this (the first part of the $0-nrpnin-guts subpatch): [ctlin] | | | [pack f f f] | [print] ...and have a look at what it prints.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
No the abstraction is fine. Its ctlin thats the problem.. NRPNs are (as far as i understand) just four controller messages in a row. cc99 , cc98, specifying the parameter to affect and cc6 and cc38 specifying the value. looking at plumstone output (a java extension for OS X with a tester app that shows incoming midi) I see this is the case. e.g.
time ch cc data 9567000 [11:4 99 0] 9567000 [11:4 98 4] 9567000 [11:4 6 10] 9567000 [11:4 38 27]
so thats why i dont see why ctlin has a problem with them. If i send a cc99 message to ctlin it has no problem.
Is nrpn just not supported by ctlin on os x?
On 7 Jul 2005, at 17:01, Martin Peach wrote:
Checking http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/nrpn.htm it seems that nrpns _are_ standard cc messages: they're 98 and 99. If your [ctlin] outputs those then the problem is with the nrpn abstraction.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hi David, The problem is with ctlin. I attached a print to a ctlin. Loads of numbers for standard cc messages. Not a sausage for nrpn! Any other ideas out there? Thanks Nick
On 7 Jul 2005, at 06:32, David NG McCallum wrote:
I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to upload them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The logic hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe).
Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems with [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using the nrpn controllers?
Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've never actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why I spent the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work.
cheers, David __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hello, Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was discussed a few months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the output from a ctlin from David McCallum's site http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html
Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller.
The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn message. It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x 10.3.9 and pd.app 0.38-4RC0.
Any ideas ?
Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is outputting the midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message.
01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter MSB 0 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter LSB 10 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (coarse) 3 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (fine) 105
#N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; #X text 156 337 value; #X text 214 316 parameter; #X obj 110 335 outlet; #X obj 167 313 outlet; #X obj 224 290 outlet; #X text 273 289 channel; #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; #X obj 120 26 ctlin; #X text 166 530 value; #X text 220 499 parameter; #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; #X obj 120 97 route $2; #X obj 171 120 spigot; #X obj 208 28 loadbang; #X obj 208 49 f $2; #X obj 208 70 sel 0; #X msg 208 92 1; #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; #X obj 171 363 spigot; #X obj 208 275 loadbang; #X obj 208 317 sel 0; #X msg 208 339 1; #X obj 120 249 route $1; #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; #X obj 208 296 f $1; #X obj 120 528 outlet; #X obj 171 496 outlet; #X msg 220 147 $1; #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; #X obj 221 463 outlet; #X text 270 462 channel; #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't think of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 becomes omni. Sorry!; #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; #X obj 37 19 inlet; #X obj 37 419 outlet; #X obj 37 294 glue; #X obj 85 292 nop; #X obj 37 42 route 99; #X obj 37 72 t f b; #X obj 37 330 route 38; #X msg 67 207 list; #X obj 37 376 route 6; #X obj 37 397 route 98; #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an NRPN! ; #X obj 213 241 sel; #X obj 127 192 route list float; #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; #X obj 229 262 bang; #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC controllers. [glue]; #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , basically make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs aren't NRPN. ; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 2 0 15 0; #X connect 3 0 2 1; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 4 1 2 0; #X connect 5 0 2 0; #X connect 5 1 7 0; #X connect 6 0 10 0; #X connect 7 0 2 1; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 1 0; #X connect 10 0 8 0; #X connect 14 1 17 0; #X connect 15 0 16 0; #X connect 15 1 14 1; #X connect 16 3 14 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; #X obj 131 149 +; #X obj 79 148 +; #X obj 79 114 * 128; #X obj 131 113 * 128; #X obj 79 180 pack f f; #X obj 79 47 inlet; #X obj 79 250 outlet; #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for the parameter , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the parameter and parameter value; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 2 1; #X connect 0 2 4 0; #X connect 0 3 1 1; #X connect 1 0 5 1; #X connect 2 0 5 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 3 1; #X connect 0 2 3 2; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 6 0; #X connect 6 0 17 0; #X connect 6 0 21 0; #X connect 7 0 8 0; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 6 1; #X connect 12 0 22 0; #X connect 13 0 18 0; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 15 0 12 1; #X connect 16 0 19 0; #X connect 16 1 12 0; #X connect 17 0 26 0; #X connect 18 0 14 0; #X connect 21 0 23 0; #X connect 22 0 20 0; #X connect 22 1 19 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 27 0 16 0; #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. This has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlin]; #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 -99865 0; #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 11 0 7 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; #X obj 130 20 inlet; #X obj 80 150 mod 128; #X obj 155 150 div 128; #X obj 130 115 t f f; #X obj 216 20 inlet; #X obj 216 150 mod 128; #X obj 278 150 div 128; #X obj 216 115 t f f; #X obj 142 258 f; #X obj 203 258 f; #X obj 265 258 f; #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; #X obj 228 48 loadbang; #X obj 228 72 f $1; #X obj 303 294 loadbang; #X obj 289 344 sel 0; #X obj 289 320 f $2; #X obj 289 274 inlet; #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I can't parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 11 0; #X connect 2 0 8 1; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 3 1 2 0; #X connect 4 0 7 0; #X connect 5 0 9 1; #X connect 6 0 10 1; #X connect 7 0 5 0; #X connect 7 1 6 0; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 11 0 15 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #X connect 11 3 10 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X connect 18 0 20 0; #X connect 19 1 12 2; #X connect 19 1 13 2; #X connect 19 1 14 2; #X connect 19 1 15 2; #X connect 20 0 19 0; #X connect 21 0 20 0; #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; #X obj 141 170 inlet; #X obj 201 197 inlet; #X obj 262 224 inlet; #X text 190 165 value; #X text 299 224 channel; #X text 242 194 parameter; #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlout]; #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 1 1; #X connect 4 0 1 2;
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
yep, Thats what i did. it prints nothing for an nrpn and fine for ctrlin and yet i can see the nrpn data fine in midi monitor! baffling
On 7 Jul 2005, at 18:56, Martin Peach wrote:
The source code for the ctlin object is in s_midi.c and x_midi.c, all it does is list whatever cc message comes its way. There is no difference between cc98 and cc3 as far as [ctlin] is concerned. No other filtering is done inside pd. If you open the nrpnin abstraction that David attached you'll see that it contains a [ctlin] and is otherwise made of standard pd objects that all work on OSX. I would make a simple patch like this (the first part of the $0-nrpnin-guts subpatch): [ctlin] | | | [pack f f f] | [print] ...and have a look at what it prints.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
No the abstraction is fine. Its ctlin thats the problem.. NRPNs are (as far as i understand) just four controller messages in a row. cc99 , cc98, specifying the parameter to affect and cc6 and cc38 specifying the value. looking at plumstone output (a java extension for OS X with a tester app that shows incoming midi) I see this is the case. e.g.
time ch cc data 9567000 [11:4 99 0] 9567000 [11:4 98 4] 9567000 [11:4 6 10] 9567000 [11:4 38 27]
so thats why i dont see why ctlin has a problem with them. If i send a cc99 message to ctlin it has no problem.
Is nrpn just not supported by ctlin on os x?
On 7 Jul 2005, at 17:01, Martin Peach wrote:
Checking http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/nrpn.htm it seems that nrpns _are_ standard cc messages: they're 98 and 99. If your [ctlin] outputs those then the problem is with the nrpn abstraction.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hi David, The problem is with ctlin. I attached a print to a ctlin. Loads of numbers for standard cc messages. Not a sausage for nrpn! Any other ideas out there? Thanks Nick
On 7 Jul 2005, at 06:32, David NG McCallum wrote:
I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to upload them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The logic hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe).
Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems with [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using the nrpn controllers?
Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've never actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why I spent the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work.
cheers, David __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hello, Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was discussed a few months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the output from a ctlin from David McCallum's site http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html
Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller.
The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn message. It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x 10.3.9 and pd.app 0.38-4RC0.
Any ideas ?
Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is outputting the midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message.
01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter MSB 0 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered Parameter LSB 10 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (coarse) 3 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry (fine) 105
#N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; #X text 156 337 value; #X text 214 316 parameter; #X obj 110 335 outlet; #X obj 167 313 outlet; #X obj 224 290 outlet; #X text 273 289 channel; #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; #X obj 120 26 ctlin; #X text 166 530 value; #X text 220 499 parameter; #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; #X obj 120 97 route $2; #X obj 171 120 spigot; #X obj 208 28 loadbang; #X obj 208 49 f $2; #X obj 208 70 sel 0; #X msg 208 92 1; #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; #X obj 171 363 spigot; #X obj 208 275 loadbang; #X obj 208 317 sel 0; #X msg 208 339 1; #X obj 120 249 route $1; #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; #X obj 208 296 f $1; #X obj 120 528 outlet; #X obj 171 496 outlet; #X msg 220 147 $1; #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; #X obj 221 463 outlet; #X text 270 462 channel; #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't think of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 becomes omni. Sorry!; #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; #X obj 37 19 inlet; #X obj 37 419 outlet; #X obj 37 294 glue; #X obj 85 292 nop; #X obj 37 42 route 99; #X obj 37 72 t f b; #X obj 37 330 route 38; #X msg 67 207 list; #X obj 37 376 route 6; #X obj 37 397 route 98; #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an NRPN! ; #X obj 213 241 sel; #X obj 127 192 route list float; #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; #X obj 229 262 bang; #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC controllers. [glue]; #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , basically make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs aren't NRPN. ; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 2 0 15 0; #X connect 3 0 2 1; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 4 1 2 0; #X connect 5 0 2 0; #X connect 5 1 7 0; #X connect 6 0 10 0; #X connect 7 0 2 1; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 1 0; #X connect 10 0 8 0; #X connect 14 1 17 0; #X connect 15 0 16 0; #X connect 15 1 14 1; #X connect 16 3 14 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; #X obj 131 149 +; #X obj 79 148 +; #X obj 79 114 * 128; #X obj 131 113 * 128; #X obj 79 180 pack f f; #X obj 79 47 inlet; #X obj 79 250 outlet; #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for the parameter , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the parameter and parameter value; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 2 1; #X connect 0 2 4 0; #X connect 0 3 1 1; #X connect 1 0 5 1; #X connect 2 0 5 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 3 1; #X connect 0 2 3 2; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 6 0; #X connect 6 0 17 0; #X connect 6 0 21 0; #X connect 7 0 8 0; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 6 1; #X connect 12 0 22 0; #X connect 13 0 18 0; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 15 0 12 1; #X connect 16 0 19 0; #X connect 16 1 12 0; #X connect 17 0 26 0; #X connect 18 0 14 0; #X connect 21 0 23 0; #X connect 22 0 20 0; #X connect 22 1 19 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 27 0 16 0; #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. This has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlin]; #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 -99865 0; #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 11 0 7 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; #X obj 130 20 inlet; #X obj 80 150 mod 128; #X obj 155 150 div 128; #X obj 130 115 t f f; #X obj 216 20 inlet; #X obj 216 150 mod 128; #X obj 278 150 div 128; #X obj 216 115 t f f; #X obj 142 258 f; #X obj 203 258 f; #X obj 265 258 f; #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; #X obj 228 48 loadbang; #X obj 228 72 f $1; #X obj 303 294 loadbang; #X obj 289 344 sel 0; #X obj 289 320 f $2; #X obj 289 274 inlet; #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I can't parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 11 0; #X connect 2 0 8 1; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 3 1 2 0; #X connect 4 0 7 0; #X connect 5 0 9 1; #X connect 6 0 10 1; #X connect 7 0 5 0; #X connect 7 1 6 0; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 11 0 15 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #X connect 11 3 10 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X connect 18 0 20 0; #X connect 19 1 12 2; #X connect 19 1 13 2; #X connect 19 1 14 2; #X connect 19 1 15 2; #X connect 20 0 19 0; #X connect 21 0 20 0; #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; #X obj 141 170 inlet; #X obj 201 197 inlet; #X obj 262 224 inlet; #X text 190 165 value; #X text 299 224 channel; #X text 242 194 parameter; #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlout]; #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 1 1; #X connect 4 0 1 2;
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What if you send it the four messages manually in sequence instead of all at once? e.g. make a patch that uses ctlout and plug your MIDI out to your MIDI in. All I can think of is the usual culprits: buffer overflow or running status, neither of which should be a problem with recent pd versions. Martin
Nicholas Ward wrote:
yep, Thats what i did. it prints nothing for an nrpn and fine for ctrlin and yet i can see the nrpn data fine in midi monitor! baffling
On 7 Jul 2005, at 18:56, Martin Peach wrote:
The source code for the ctlin object is in s_midi.c and x_midi.c, all it does is list whatever cc message comes its way. There is no difference between cc98 and cc3 as far as [ctlin] is concerned. No other filtering is done inside pd. If you open the nrpnin abstraction that David attached you'll see that it contains a [ctlin] and is otherwise made of standard pd objects that all work on OSX. I would make a simple patch like this (the first part of the $0-nrpnin-guts subpatch): [ctlin] | | | [pack f f f] | [print] ...and have a look at what it prints.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
No the abstraction is fine. Its ctlin thats the problem.. NRPNs are (as far as i understand) just four controller messages in a row. cc99 , cc98, specifying the parameter to affect and cc6 and cc38 specifying the value. looking at plumstone output (a java extension for OS X with a tester app that shows incoming midi) I see this is the case. e.g.
time ch cc data 9567000 [11:4 99 0] 9567000 [11:4 98 4] 9567000 [11:4 6 10] 9567000 [11:4 38 27]
so thats why i dont see why ctlin has a problem with them. If i send a cc99 message to ctlin it has no problem.
Is nrpn just not supported by ctlin on os x?
On 7 Jul 2005, at 17:01, Martin Peach wrote:
Checking http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/nrpn.htm it seems that nrpns _are_ standard cc messages: they're 98 and 99. If your [ctlin] outputs those then the problem is with the nrpn abstraction.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hi David, The problem is with ctlin. I attached a print to a ctlin. Loads of numbers for standard cc messages. Not a sausage for nrpn! Any other ideas out there? Thanks Nick
On 7 Jul 2005, at 06:32, David NG McCallum wrote:
I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to upload them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The logic hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe).
Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems with [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using the nrpn controllers?
Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've never actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why I spent the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work.
cheers, David __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org
Nicholas Ward wrote:
> Hello, > Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was discussed > a few > months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the > output from > a ctlin from David McCallum's site > http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html > > Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller. > > The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn > message. > It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x > 10.3.9 and > pd.app 0.38-4RC0. > > Any ideas ? > > Thanks > > Nicky > > > Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is > outputting the > midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message. > > 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered > Parameter > MSB 0 > 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered > Parameter > LSB 10 > 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry > (coarse) 3 > 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry > (fine) 105
#N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; #X text 156 337 value; #X text 214 316 parameter; #X obj 110 335 outlet; #X obj 167 313 outlet; #X obj 224 290 outlet; #X text 273 289 channel; #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; #X obj 120 26 ctlin; #X text 166 530 value; #X text 220 499 parameter; #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; #X obj 120 97 route $2; #X obj 171 120 spigot; #X obj 208 28 loadbang; #X obj 208 49 f $2; #X obj 208 70 sel 0; #X msg 208 92 1; #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; #X obj 171 363 spigot; #X obj 208 275 loadbang; #X obj 208 317 sel 0; #X msg 208 339 1; #X obj 120 249 route $1; #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; #X obj 208 296 f $1; #X obj 120 528 outlet; #X obj 171 496 outlet; #X msg 220 147 $1; #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; #X obj 221 463 outlet; #X text 270 462 channel; #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't think of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 becomes omni. Sorry!; #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; #X obj 37 19 inlet; #X obj 37 419 outlet; #X obj 37 294 glue; #X obj 85 292 nop; #X obj 37 42 route 99; #X obj 37 72 t f b; #X obj 37 330 route 38; #X msg 67 207 list; #X obj 37 376 route 6; #X obj 37 397 route 98; #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an NRPN! ; #X obj 213 241 sel; #X obj 127 192 route list float; #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; #X obj 229 262 bang; #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC controllers. [glue]; #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , basically make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs aren't NRPN. ; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 2 0 6 0; #X connect 2 0 15 0; #X connect 3 0 2 1; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 4 1 2 0; #X connect 5 0 2 0; #X connect 5 1 7 0; #X connect 6 0 10 0; #X connect 7 0 2 1; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 1 0; #X connect 10 0 8 0; #X connect 14 1 17 0; #X connect 15 0 16 0; #X connect 15 1 14 1; #X connect 16 3 14 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; #X obj 131 149 +; #X obj 79 148 +; #X obj 79 114 * 128; #X obj 131 113 * 128; #X obj 79 180 pack f f; #X obj 79 47 inlet; #X obj 79 250 outlet; #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for the parameter , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the parameter and parameter value; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 2 1; #X connect 0 2 4 0; #X connect 0 3 1 1; #X connect 1 0 5 1; #X connect 2 0 5 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 0 1 3 1; #X connect 0 2 3 2; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 6 0; #X connect 6 0 17 0; #X connect 6 0 21 0; #X connect 7 0 8 0; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 6 1; #X connect 12 0 22 0; #X connect 13 0 18 0; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 15 0 12 1; #X connect 16 0 19 0; #X connect 16 1 12 0; #X connect 17 0 26 0; #X connect 18 0 14 0; #X connect 21 0 23 0; #X connect 22 0 20 0; #X connect 22 1 19 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 27 0 16 0; #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. This has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlin]; #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 -99865 0; #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 11 0 7 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 -66577 0; #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; #X obj 130 20 inlet; #X obj 80 150 mod 128; #X obj 155 150 div 128; #X obj 130 115 t f f; #X obj 216 20 inlet; #X obj 216 150 mod 128; #X obj 278 150 div 128; #X obj 216 115 t f f; #X obj 142 258 f; #X obj 203 258 f; #X obj 265 258 f; #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; #X obj 228 48 loadbang; #X obj 228 72 f $1; #X obj 303 294 loadbang; #X obj 289 344 sel 0; #X obj 289 320 f $2; #X obj 289 274 inlet; #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I can't parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 11 0; #X connect 2 0 8 1; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 3 1 2 0; #X connect 4 0 7 0; #X connect 5 0 9 1; #X connect 6 0 10 1; #X connect 7 0 5 0; #X connect 7 1 6 0; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 11 0 15 0; #X connect 11 1 8 0; #X connect 11 2 9 0; #X connect 11 3 10 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 17 0 7 0; #X connect 18 0 20 0; #X connect 19 1 12 2; #X connect 19 1 13 2; #X connect 19 1 14 2; #X connect 19 1 15 2; #X connect 20 0 19 0; #X connect 21 0 20 0; #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; #X obj 141 170 inlet; #X obj 201 197 inlet; #X obj 262 224 inlet; #X text 190 165 value; #X text 299 224 channel; #X text 242 194 parameter; #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just like [ctlout]; #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; #X connect 2 0 1 0; #X connect 3 0 1 1; #X connect 4 0 1 2;
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Okay getting somewhere, It works fine if I plug the bcf2000 into my midi interface with midi cables (why didnt i try that earlier!). It doesnt work for NRPN if i use the USB connection to connect the BCF2000 directly to the computer. hmmmm? buffers?
On 7 Jul 2005, at 19:41, Martin Peach wrote:
What if you send it the four messages manually in sequence instead of all at once? e.g. make a patch that uses ctlout and plug your MIDI out to your MIDI in. All I can think of is the usual culprits: buffer overflow or running status, neither of which should be a problem with recent pd versions. Martin
Nicholas Ward wrote:
yep, Thats what i did. it prints nothing for an nrpn and fine for ctrlin and yet i can see the nrpn data fine in midi monitor! baffling
On 7 Jul 2005, at 18:56, Martin Peach wrote:
The source code for the ctlin object is in s_midi.c and x_midi.c, all it does is list whatever cc message comes its way. There is no difference between cc98 and cc3 as far as [ctlin] is concerned. No other filtering is done inside pd. If you open the nrpnin abstraction that David attached you'll see that it contains a [ctlin] and is otherwise made of standard pd objects that all work on OSX. I would make a simple patch like this (the first part of the $0-nrpnin-guts subpatch): [ctlin] | | | [pack f f f] | [print] ...and have a look at what it prints.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
No the abstraction is fine. Its ctlin thats the problem.. NRPNs are (as far as i understand) just four controller messages in a row. cc99 , cc98, specifying the parameter to affect and cc6 and cc38 specifying the value. looking at plumstone output (a java extension for OS X with a tester app that shows incoming midi) I see this is the case. e.g.
time ch cc data 9567000 [11:4 99 0] 9567000 [11:4 98 4] 9567000 [11:4 6 10] 9567000 [11:4 38 27]
so thats why i dont see why ctlin has a problem with them. If i send a cc99 message to ctlin it has no problem.
Is nrpn just not supported by ctlin on os x?
On 7 Jul 2005, at 17:01, Martin Peach wrote:
Checking http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/nrpn.htm it seems that nrpns _are_ standard cc messages: they're 98 and 99. If your [ctlin] outputs those then the problem is with the nrpn abstraction.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Hi David, The problem is with ctlin. I attached a print to a ctlin. Loads of numbers for standard cc messages. Not a sausage for nrpn! Any other ideas out there? Thanks Nick
On 7 Jul 2005, at 06:32, David NG McCallum wrote:
> Nick, > > I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to > upload > them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The > logic > hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe). > > Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems > with > [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using the > nrpn > controllers? > > Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've > never > actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why > I spent > the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work. > > cheers, > David > __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ > Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org > > Nicholas Ward wrote: > >> Hello, >> Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was >> discussed a few >> months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the >> output from >> a ctlin from David McCallum's site >> http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html >> >> Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller. >> >> The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn >> message. >> It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x >> 10.3.9 and >> pd.app 0.38-4RC0. >> >> Any ideas ? >> >> Thanks >> >> Nicky >> >> >> Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is >> outputting the >> midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message. >> >> 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered >> Parameter >> MSB 0 >> 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered >> Parameter >> LSB 10 >> 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry >> (coarse) 3 >> 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry >> (fine) 105 > > > > #N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; > #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; > #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; > #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; > #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; > #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; > #X text 156 337 value; > #X text 214 316 parameter; > #X obj 110 335 outlet; > #X obj 167 313 outlet; > #X obj 224 290 outlet; > #X text 273 289 channel; > #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; > #X obj 120 26 ctlin; > #X text 166 530 value; > #X text 220 499 parameter; > #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; > #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; > #X obj 120 97 route $2; > #X obj 171 120 spigot; > #X obj 208 28 loadbang; > #X obj 208 49 f $2; > #X obj 208 70 sel 0; > #X msg 208 92 1; > #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; > #X obj 171 363 spigot; > #X obj 208 275 loadbang; > #X obj 208 317 sel 0; > #X msg 208 339 1; > #X obj 120 249 route $1; > #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; > #X obj 208 296 f $1; > #X obj 120 528 outlet; > #X obj 171 496 outlet; > #X msg 220 147 $1; > #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; > #X obj 221 463 outlet; > #X text 270 462 channel; > #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't > think > of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 > becomes > omni. Sorry!; > #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; > #X obj 37 19 inlet; > #X obj 37 419 outlet; > #X obj 37 294 glue; > #X obj 85 292 nop; > #X obj 37 42 route 99; > #X obj 37 72 t f b; > #X obj 37 330 route 38; > #X msg 67 207 list; > #X obj 37 376 route 6; > #X obj 37 397 route 98; > #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; > #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; > #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; > #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an > NRPN! > ; > #X obj 213 241 sel; > #X obj 127 192 route list float; > #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; > #X obj 229 262 bang; > #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC > controllers. > [glue]; > #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , > basically > make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs aren't > NRPN. > ; > #X connect 0 0 4 0; > #X connect 2 0 3 0; > #X connect 2 0 6 0; > #X connect 2 0 15 0; > #X connect 3 0 2 1; > #X connect 4 0 5 0; > #X connect 4 1 2 0; > #X connect 5 0 2 0; > #X connect 5 1 7 0; > #X connect 6 0 10 0; > #X connect 7 0 2 1; > #X connect 8 0 9 0; > #X connect 9 0 1 0; > #X connect 10 0 8 0; > #X connect 14 1 17 0; > #X connect 15 0 16 0; > #X connect 15 1 14 1; > #X connect 16 3 14 0; > #X connect 17 0 7 0; > #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; > #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; > #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; > #X obj 131 149 +; > #X obj 79 148 +; > #X obj 79 114 * 128; > #X obj 131 113 * 128; > #X obj 79 180 pack f f; > #X obj 79 47 inlet; > #X obj 79 250 outlet; > #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for the > parameter > , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the > parameter > and parameter value; > #X connect 0 0 3 0; > #X connect 0 1 2 1; > #X connect 0 2 4 0; > #X connect 0 3 1 1; > #X connect 1 0 5 1; > #X connect 2 0 5 0; > #X connect 3 0 2 0; > #X connect 4 0 1 0; > #X connect 5 0 7 0; > #X connect 6 0 0 0; > #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; > #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; > #X connect 0 0 3 0; > #X connect 0 1 3 1; > #X connect 0 2 3 2; > #X connect 3 0 4 0; > #X connect 4 0 5 0; > #X connect 5 0 26 0; > #X connect 5 1 6 0; > #X connect 6 0 17 0; > #X connect 6 0 21 0; > #X connect 7 0 8 0; > #X connect 8 0 9 0; > #X connect 9 0 10 0; > #X connect 10 0 6 1; > #X connect 12 0 22 0; > #X connect 13 0 18 0; > #X connect 14 0 15 0; > #X connect 15 0 12 1; > #X connect 16 0 19 0; > #X connect 16 1 12 0; > #X connect 17 0 26 0; > #X connect 18 0 14 0; > #X connect 21 0 23 0; > #X connect 22 0 20 0; > #X connect 22 1 19 0; > #X connect 26 0 27 0; > #X connect 27 0 16 0; > #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; > #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. This > has > to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; > #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just > like > [ctlin]; > #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 > -99865 > 0; > #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; > #X connect 11 0 7 0; > #X connect 11 1 8 0; > #X connect 11 2 9 0; > #N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; > #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 > -66577 > 0; > #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; > #X obj 130 20 inlet; > #X obj 80 150 mod 128; > #X obj 155 150 div 128; > #X obj 130 115 t f f; > #X obj 216 20 inlet; > #X obj 216 150 mod 128; > #X obj 278 150 div 128; > #X obj 216 115 t f f; > #X obj 142 258 f; > #X obj 203 258 f; > #X obj 265 258 f; > #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; > #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; > #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; > #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; > #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; > #X obj 228 48 loadbang; > #X obj 228 72 f $1; > #X obj 303 294 loadbang; > #X obj 289 344 sel 0; > #X obj 289 320 f $2; > #X obj 289 274 inlet; > #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I > can't > parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; > #X connect 0 0 3 0; > #X connect 1 0 11 0; > #X connect 2 0 8 1; > #X connect 3 0 1 0; > #X connect 3 1 2 0; > #X connect 4 0 7 0; > #X connect 5 0 9 1; > #X connect 6 0 10 1; > #X connect 7 0 5 0; > #X connect 7 1 6 0; > #X connect 8 0 14 0; > #X connect 9 0 13 0; > #X connect 10 0 12 0; > #X connect 11 0 15 0; > #X connect 11 1 8 0; > #X connect 11 2 9 0; > #X connect 11 3 10 0; > #X connect 16 0 17 0; > #X connect 17 0 7 0; > #X connect 18 0 20 0; > #X connect 19 1 12 2; > #X connect 19 1 13 2; > #X connect 19 1 14 2; > #X connect 19 1 15 2; > #X connect 20 0 19 0; > #X connect 21 0 20 0; > #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; > #X obj 141 170 inlet; > #X obj 201 197 inlet; > #X obj 262 224 inlet; > #X text 190 165 value; > #X text 299 224 channel; > #X text 242 194 parameter; > #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just > like > [ctlout]; > #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do with > Pd > defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; > #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; > #X connect 2 0 1 0; > #X connect 3 0 1 1; > #X connect 4 0 1 2;
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So it's a USB(ugh!) driver problem then...why am I not surprised...
Nicholas Ward wrote:
Okay getting somewhere, It works fine if I plug the bcf2000 into my midi interface with midi cables (why didnt i try that earlier!). It doesnt work for NRPN if i use the USB connection to connect the BCF2000 directly to the computer. hmmmm? buffers?
On 7 Jul 2005, at 19:41, Martin Peach wrote:
What if you send it the four messages manually in sequence instead of all at once? e.g. make a patch that uses ctlout and plug your MIDI out to your MIDI in. All I can think of is the usual culprits: buffer overflow or running status, neither of which should be a problem with recent pd versions. Martin
Nicholas Ward wrote:
yep, Thats what i did. it prints nothing for an nrpn and fine for ctrlin and yet i can see the nrpn data fine in midi monitor! baffling
On 7 Jul 2005, at 18:56, Martin Peach wrote:
The source code for the ctlin object is in s_midi.c and x_midi.c, all it does is list whatever cc message comes its way. There is no difference between cc98 and cc3 as far as [ctlin] is concerned. No other filtering is done inside pd. If you open the nrpnin abstraction that David attached you'll see that it contains a [ctlin] and is otherwise made of standard pd objects that all work on OSX. I would make a simple patch like this (the first part of the $0-nrpnin-guts subpatch): [ctlin] | | | [pack f f f] | [print] ...and have a look at what it prints.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
No the abstraction is fine. Its ctlin thats the problem.. NRPNs are (as far as i understand) just four controller messages in a row. cc99 , cc98, specifying the parameter to affect and cc6 and cc38 specifying the value. looking at plumstone output (a java extension for OS X with a tester app that shows incoming midi) I see this is the case. e.g.
time ch cc data 9567000 [11:4 99 0] 9567000 [11:4 98 4] 9567000 [11:4 6 10] 9567000 [11:4 38 27]
so thats why i dont see why ctlin has a problem with them. If i send a cc99 message to ctlin it has no problem.
Is nrpn just not supported by ctlin on os x?
On 7 Jul 2005, at 17:01, Martin Peach wrote:
Checking http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/nrpn.htm it seems that nrpns _are_ standard cc messages: they're 98 and 99. If your [ctlin] outputs those then the problem is with the nrpn abstraction.
Nicholas Ward wrote:
> Hi David, > The problem is with ctlin. I attached a print to a ctlin. Loads > of numbers for standard cc messages. Not a sausage for nrpn! > Any other ideas out there? > Thanks > Nick > > > On 7 Jul 2005, at 06:32, David NG McCallum wrote: > >> Nick, >> >> I've actually updated the abstractions but haven't bothered to >> upload >> them (I think). I've attached them here, hope no one minds. The >> logic >> hasn't changed at all, it's just a little more elegant (maybe). >> >> Not sure about your problem, though... Are you having problems >> with >> [nrpnin], or just getting *any* data from [ctlin] when using >> the nrpn >> controllers? >> >> Let me know if you have problems with the newer [nrpnin]. I've >> never >> actually tested them on nrpn hardware. I still have no idea why >> I spent >> the time working on them. :) But I've been told they work. >> >> cheers, >> David >> __ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ____ __ >> Music wants to be free http://sintheta.org >> >> Nicholas Ward wrote: >> >>> Hello, >>> Im trying to get 14bit midi messages into pd. This was >>> discussed a few >>> months ago and I've got an abstraction nrpnin to parse the >>> output from >>> a ctlin from David McCallum's site >>> http://www.mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/html/downloads.html >>> >>> Im using a behringer bcf2000 controller. >>> >>> The problem is Ctlin doesnt output anything if i send an nrpn >>> message. >>> It happily works for standard CC. Is this normal? Im on os x >>> 10.3.9 and >>> pd.app 0.38-4RC0. >>> >>> Any ideas ? >>> >>> Thanks >>> >>> Nicky >>> >>> >>> Ive installed midi monitor and can see that the bcf is >>> outputting the >>> midi message fine, below is the output for one complete message. >>> >>> 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered >>> Parameter >>> MSB 0 >>> 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Non-Registered >>> Parameter >>> LSB 10 >>> 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry >>> (coarse) 3 >>> 01:37:22.548 From BCF2000 Control 5 Data Entry >>> (fine) 105 >> >> >> >> >> #N canvas 11 85 454 460 10; >> #X text 116 168 Data comes in as:; >> #X text 115 187 Parameter MSB: Ctl 99; >> #X text 115 199 Parameter LSB: Ctl 98; >> #X text 114 212 Value MSB: Ctl 6; >> #X text 114 224 Value LSB: Ctl 38; >> #X text 156 337 value; >> #X text 214 316 parameter; >> #X obj 110 335 outlet; >> #X obj 167 313 outlet; >> #X obj 224 290 outlet; >> #X text 273 289 channel; >> #N canvas 458 0 656 592 1001-nrpnin_guts 0; >> #X obj 120 26 ctlin; >> #X text 166 530 value; >> #X text 220 499 parameter; >> #X obj 120 49 pack f f f; >> #X msg 120 72 $3 $2 $1; >> #X obj 120 97 route $2; >> #X obj 171 120 spigot; >> #X obj 208 28 loadbang; >> #X obj 208 49 f $2; >> #X obj 208 70 sel 0; >> #X msg 208 92 1; >> #X text 257 60 if no midi channel specified , omni; >> #X obj 171 363 spigot; >> #X obj 208 275 loadbang; >> #X obj 208 317 sel 0; >> #X msg 208 339 1; >> #X obj 120 249 route $1; >> #X msg 171 147 $2 $3; >> #X obj 208 296 f $1; >> #X obj 120 528 outlet; >> #X obj 171 496 outlet; >> #X msg 220 147 $1; >> #X obj 171 386 unpack f f; >> #X obj 221 463 outlet; >> #X text 270 462 channel; >> #X text 265 305 since Pd defaults lack of argument to 0 I can't >> think >> of a way to get this to separate parameter 0 properly. So 0 >> becomes >> omni. Sorry!; >> #N canvas 518 368 751 539 1001-filter_proper_input 0; >> #X obj 37 19 inlet; >> #X obj 37 419 outlet; >> #X obj 37 294 glue; >> #X obj 85 292 nop; >> #X obj 37 42 route 99; >> #X obj 37 72 t f b; >> #X obj 37 330 route 38; >> #X msg 67 207 list; >> #X obj 37 376 route 6; >> #X obj 37 397 route 98; >> #X msg 37 353 $2 $4 $6 $5 $3 $1; >> #X text 251 10 Okay , cleaner than before.; >> #X text 239 358 Reorder them with controllers followed by values; >> #X text 239 386 If the controllers route properly , it's an NRPN! >> ; >> #X obj 213 241 sel; >> #X obj 127 192 route list float; >> #X obj 127 216 route 98 6 38; >> #X obj 229 262 bang; >> #X text 243 43 When CC 99 comes in , append the next four CC >> controllers. >> [glue]; >> #X text 274 206 Um , this part made more sense before , >> basically >> make sure the [glue] doesn't fill up with crap if the CCs >> aren't NRPN. >> ; >> #X connect 0 0 4 0; >> #X connect 2 0 3 0; >> #X connect 2 0 6 0; >> #X connect 2 0 15 0; >> #X connect 3 0 2 1; >> #X connect 4 0 5 0; >> #X connect 4 1 2 0; >> #X connect 5 0 2 0; >> #X connect 5 1 7 0; >> #X connect 6 0 10 0; >> #X connect 7 0 2 1; >> #X connect 8 0 9 0; >> #X connect 9 0 1 0; >> #X connect 10 0 8 0; >> #X connect 14 1 17 0; >> #X connect 15 0 16 0; >> #X connect 15 1 14 1; >> #X connect 16 3 14 0; >> #X connect 17 0 7 0; >> #X restore 120 186 pd $0-filter_proper_input; >> #N canvas 0 0 568 312 1001-MSB_and_LSB 0; >> #X obj 79 78 unpack f f f f; >> #X obj 131 149 +; >> #X obj 79 148 +; >> #X obj 79 114 * 128; >> #X obj 131 113 * 128; >> #X obj 79 180 pack f f; >> #X obj 79 47 inlet; >> #X obj 79 250 outlet; >> #X text 218 82 All that's left is the MSB and LSB values for >> the parameter >> , and the parameter value. These are used to calculate the >> parameter >> and parameter value; >> #X connect 0 0 3 0; >> #X connect 0 1 2 1; >> #X connect 0 2 4 0; >> #X connect 0 3 1 1; >> #X connect 1 0 5 1; >> #X connect 2 0 5 0; >> #X connect 3 0 2 0; >> #X connect 4 0 1 0; >> #X connect 5 0 7 0; >> #X connect 6 0 0 0; >> #X restore 120 214 pd $0-MSB_and_LSB; >> #X text 192 247 pick the right NRPN controller; >> #X connect 0 0 3 0; >> #X connect 0 1 3 1; >> #X connect 0 2 3 2; >> #X connect 3 0 4 0; >> #X connect 4 0 5 0; >> #X connect 5 0 26 0; >> #X connect 5 1 6 0; >> #X connect 6 0 17 0; >> #X connect 6 0 21 0; >> #X connect 7 0 8 0; >> #X connect 8 0 9 0; >> #X connect 9 0 10 0; >> #X connect 10 0 6 1; >> #X connect 12 0 22 0; >> #X connect 13 0 18 0; >> #X connect 14 0 15 0; >> #X connect 15 0 12 1; >> #X connect 16 0 19 0; >> #X connect 16 1 12 0; >> #X connect 17 0 26 0; >> #X connect 18 0 14 0; >> #X connect 21 0 23 0; >> #X connect 22 0 20 0; >> #X connect 22 1 19 0; >> #X connect 26 0 27 0; >> #X connect 27 0 16 0; >> #X restore 110 264 pd $0-nrpnin_guts; >> #X text 18 95 Notes: Parameter 0 will make the object omni. >> This has >> to do with Pd defaulting absent arguments to 0 Sorry!; >> #X text 17 71 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just >> like >> [ctlin]; >> #X obj 147 19 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnin 0 8 1 14 -262144 >> -99865 >> 0; >> #X text 28 394 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; >> #X connect 11 0 7 0; >> #X connect 11 1 8 0; >> #X connect 11 2 9 0; >> #N canvas 322 460 507 349 10; >> #X obj 178 12 cnv 15 15 15 empty empty nrpnout 0 8 1 14 -262144 >> -66577 >> 0; >> #N canvas 0 0 745 436 1004-nrpnout_guts 0; >> #X obj 130 20 inlet; >> #X obj 80 150 mod 128; >> #X obj 155 150 div 128; >> #X obj 130 115 t f f; >> #X obj 216 20 inlet; >> #X obj 216 150 mod 128; >> #X obj 278 150 div 128; >> #X obj 216 115 t f f; >> #X obj 142 258 f; >> #X obj 203 258 f; >> #X obj 265 258 f; >> #X obj 80 178 t f b b b; >> #X obj 265 378 ctlout 99; >> #X obj 203 378 ctlout 98; >> #X obj 142 378 ctlout 6; >> #X obj 80 378 ctlout 38; >> #X obj 228 48 loadbang; >> #X obj 228 72 f $1; >> #X obj 303 294 loadbang; >> #X obj 289 344 sel 0; >> #X obj 289 320 f $2; >> #X obj 289 274 inlet; >> #X text 354 316 because absent arguments in Pd default to 0 I >> can't >> parse parameter 0 properly. So zero becomes omni. Yikes!; >> #X connect 0 0 3 0; >> #X connect 1 0 11 0; >> #X connect 2 0 8 1; >> #X connect 3 0 1 0; >> #X connect 3 1 2 0; >> #X connect 4 0 7 0; >> #X connect 5 0 9 1; >> #X connect 6 0 10 1; >> #X connect 7 0 5 0; >> #X connect 7 1 6 0; >> #X connect 8 0 14 0; >> #X connect 9 0 13 0; >> #X connect 10 0 12 0; >> #X connect 11 0 15 0; >> #X connect 11 1 8 0; >> #X connect 11 2 9 0; >> #X connect 11 3 10 0; >> #X connect 16 0 17 0; >> #X connect 17 0 7 0; >> #X connect 18 0 20 0; >> #X connect 19 1 12 2; >> #X connect 19 1 13 2; >> #X connect 19 1 14 2; >> #X connect 19 1 15 2; >> #X connect 20 0 19 0; >> #X connect 21 0 20 0; >> #X restore 141 246 pd $0-nrpnout_guts; >> #X obj 141 170 inlet; >> #X obj 201 197 inlet; >> #X obj 262 224 inlet; >> #X text 190 165 value; >> #X text 299 224 channel; >> #X text 242 194 parameter; >> #X text 51 68 Arguments: NRPN parameter , MIDI channel - just >> like >> [ctlout]; >> #X text 49 97 Notes: funny stuff with parameter 0 Has to do >> with Pd >> defaulting absent arguments to 0 Just avoid 0; >> #X text 87 306 David McCallum , 2004 - sintheta.org; >> #X connect 2 0 1 0; >> #X connect 3 0 1 1; >> #X connect 4 0 1 2; > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > PD-list@iem.at mailing list > UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> > http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list >
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