I've been using pd on my MacBook for a few months with very few issues, but now for some reason the software is acting differently. The dsp is turned on, but I'm not getting any sound out of any of my patches. I've tried with the patches from the startup manuals, but nothing is working. (And while sound is my main concern, the charting functions aren't responding either.) I'm also getting the "no method for 'bang'" message any time I try to use a bang in patches that had previously worked.
I'm a pd novice at best...mostly what I do is copy and paste functions that I want to use with the adc tacked on. I basically just tinker with objects to make cool sounds. So any intricate patch editing is going to take me quite a while to figure out. Any quick fixes? Austin
On Thu, 2016-11-10 at 23:14 -0600, Austin Lemmons wrote:
I doubt that the same patch previously worked and suddenly triggers an error without you having modified it. The message means that some object doesn't know what to do with a 'bang' message that it received.
For instance, you can trigger such an error with:
[bang( | [osc~ ]
You may be able to find the origin of the error by using the menu option 'Find' -> 'Find last error'. It will high-light the object that experienced the condition.