opening movies in pd/gem using pix_film makes it crash . Im on windows using pd 0.37 and gem 0.8888 rc-2. Any sugestions?
thanks in advance
hi, i also have to report a similar problem with pix_film / pix_movie in the current gem version (0.9).
while it's fine to have quicktime .movs working alright by now, i experience a PD/GEM crash anytime i try to load a second movie. also loading any other other .avi than "homer" crashes PD. all of them worked fine on my previous GEM version (0.87)
i'm on PD 0.37.1 on winXP prof.
another suggestion (or "wish") for future GEM releases: it would be great to have a fourth outlet in pix_film/pix_movie to report the current frame when played in "auto-mode". this would make syncing to audio much more reliable than it is now. the other way round (taking the time from an audio-object, calculate the frame and feeding pix_film with the frame number) just doesn't look as smooth and good as the "auto" play mode.
thanks for listening
--//-- wrote:
IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
--//-- wrote:
At 12:20 07.07.2004, siggmuss wrote:
sorry i should have read the date....
this comes when people are unable to set their system clock to the present but instead insist on being years in the future.
spammers use this technique too (to enforce being ordered as most recent).
mfg.a.srd IOhannes
hello , everytime I open the v3- examples pd crashes. If i use verbose flag it always ask me for some wierd dlls, like audio.dll, v3_tripel.dll, take_out_the trash.dll, etc. Appears the following message: Tried v3/v3_02/in/audio.dll and failed
i dont know what im doing wrong im on windows and i have all the libraries installed... any ideas?
thanx in advance
Those are not DLLs, they are abstractions. Their file names are AUDIO.pd, v3_triplel.pd, TAKE_OUT_THE_TRASH.pd
How are you loading the patches (double click or using the open command)? In what directory did you install PD and V3? Are you using XP or 2000 or win98?
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of siggmuss Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 6:48 AM To: Subject: [PD] v3- bug?
hello , everytime I open the v3- examples pd crashes. If i use verbose flag it always ask me for some wierd dlls, like audio.dll, v3_tripel.dll, take_out_the trash.dll, etc. Appears the following message: Tried v3/v3_02/in/audio.dll and failed
i dont know what im doing wrong im on windows and i have all the libraries installed... any ideas?
thanx in advance
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Is there a way to address nonsequential lines in a qlist? for example if I want to address the 5th line that represents a soundfile would I have to bang 5 times to get that line or is there a way to address the 5th line. If not can I do this in textfile? Also is there a way to address different files within a folder randomly or do these file names have to be specified in a qlist or textfile? Thanks! Jim
Hallo, jim ruxton hat gesagt: // jim ruxton wrote:
As I wrote in my earlier way, this is not possible easily. textfile and qlist were not designed for "random acces", only for sequential access. Use coll or pool (my recommendation) for this.
You also might want to have a look at my Memento system, included in the abstractions/rradical directory on CVS, which is a very handy system for presetting on a higher level of abstraction.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
----- Original Message ----- From: "jim ruxton" Cc:
first i made an abstraction for this problem: i made a patch that converts integers to the refering number of bangs. so it was possible to have random access to the lines in [textfile]
then i disccovered [msgfile] from zexy: it's the same like [textfile], but with more features. you can simply send it a [goto 5( -msg to let it jump to line 5.
Do you mean: is it possible to adress files within a folder of which your patch doesn't know the names? hm, i didn't find any solution for this problem yet. i'm wondering too........