Hey David,
Its being sent from inside the abstraction.
I'm not sure about your suggestions, I can send the message to pd-xy.pd (where xy.pd is the filename of my abstraction) sending to the receive makes all instances of the abstraction visible. What receive can I send to in order to only open the abstraction who receives the signal to generate that message?
; pd-xy.pd vis 1
is my message
I tried $0-xy.pd vis 1 / pd-$0 vis 1 / pd-$0-xy.pd vis 1 / etc...
Here is my patch for clarification.
PS: When do you hear about getting into Chalmers?
----- Original Message ----- From: David McCallum 8dngm@qlink.queensu.ca Date: Friday, May 9, 2003 8:49 pm Subject: Re: [PD] "vis 1" messages
Is the "vis 1" coming from outside the abstraction or
within it?
If it's coming from outside you could instantiate the
abstraction every time with a unique $1 ID, and then the "vis 1" could be sent to the appropriate $1-subpatch within whichever xy.pd abstraction you want.
If you're doing "vis 1" from within the abstraction you
could do a $0-subpatch within xp.pd and have the "vis 1" control that.
I hope that's understandable...
At 20:32 09/05/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Hello all,
I'm working on a XY controller abstraction (just using native PD
Problem I'm having is that when using messages like "vis 1" to pd-
xy.pd it
applies to all the intances of the abstraction. Is there any way
I can
have that message only effect the instance?
On that note whats the address of the documentation for these
I'm starting to use them more and more.
I'll be distributing the abstraction when its somewhat done.
Thanks Ben
. . David McCallum . Music wants to be free . http://mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/ .
Here I just fixed it for you and sent the changed version. If you
don't understand what's going on let me know.
Oh, I don't know what the "editmode" command that you have in your
patch is supposed to point to; I just pointed it to the graphics portion of the patch (which I've stuck in a subpatch). If you want it to apply to the processing portion of the patch you may want to further nest everything in a parent subpatch and have the editmode point to that parent. Once again, let me know if I'm not communicating this very well...
I've been doing a lot of abstraction work like this, so I use this
trick all the time. If it helps you should check out the abstractions I'm distributing on my site, they might provide other insights...
I see you've been talking to Matt ;), Chalmers hasn't given me any
indication of when they're going to accept me (why wouldn't they? :) So I wait with baited breath...
At 21:18 09/05/2003 -0400, bbogart@ryerson.ca wrote:
Hey David,
Its being sent from inside the abstraction.
I'm not sure about your suggestions, I can send the message to pd-xy.pd (where xy.pd is the filename of my abstraction) sending to the receive makes all instances of the abstraction visible. What receive can I send to in order to only open the abstraction who receives the signal to generate that message?
; pd-xy.pd vis 1
is my message
I tried $0-xy.pd vis 1 / pd-$0 vis 1 / pd-$0-xy.pd vis 1 / etc...
Here is my patch for clarification.
PS: When do you hear about getting into Chalmers?
. . David McCallum . Music wants to be free . http://mentalfloss.ca/sintheta/ .