hello, the martin peach's object midifile has 3 outlets,
the first outlet output a list with 3 numbers:
what is xxx ???
Andrés Ferrari G.
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I'm not 100% but if I were to guess I'd say xxx would be midi channel.
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Andres Ferrarianfex@yahoo.com wrote:
sysex has no channel being a system and not a channel message, as far
as I know. The first value should by in hex 'f0' meaning start of
sysex. the 2nd byte which in some software appears at the channel# is
the manufacturer id ($01 for sequential circuits, $04 for Moog, $11
for Apple, for example).
but it is all on the MIDI site, no?
Best Jurgen
On Jul 9, 2009, at 2:06 AM, Alex wrote:
I think you're thinking about a different thread, here he is talking about the midifile object where he specifically mentions notes. I haven't used the midifile object though so i'm simply guessing based on the message: xxx, note value, velocity which he mentioned
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Lao Yunoise.now@gmail.com wrote:
Hallo, Andres Ferrari hat gesagt: // Andres Ferrari wrote:
[midifile] is pretty funky as is the [seq] object in Cyclone/Max: "xxx" is the midi command byte that specifies how to interpret the rest of the list and the channel. So your "note" and "velocity" need not be note and velocity, they could also be cc-messages or pitchwheel data or whatever.
You can read up the midi spec somewhere on the web, but here's a quick rundown:
If "xxx" is between 128 and 143, the message is a noteon message. Substract 128 from "xxx" and you get the channel. Example:
"140 80 100" would be a noteon message on channel 140-128=12 with pitch 80 and velocity 100.
noteoff messages start at 144, CC messages use a midi command byte between 176 and 191, so a message "177 ..." would be a CC message on channel 1 (= 177-176)
This format is used both in [midifile] and in [seq], but seq gives the list as a number sequence which is tricky to parse (except with [midiparse])
The rj library for the Pd vanilla as used in RjDj includes a [c_seqplay] object that converts the textfiles which [seq] writes when opening a midi file and saving it with a *.txt suffix to a [qlist] capable format and plays back these files while tagging them according to the midi commands. So e.g. the message "140 80 100" from above would be converted to "12 noteon 80 100" and send to the outlet of c_seqplay.
Here's what c_seqplay deals with:
144 + channel = note on; 128 + channel = note off; 176 + channel = cc; 192 + channel = pgm change; 224 + channel = pitch wheel; 160 + channel = polypressure;
All in all [c_seqplay] is a nice vanilla way to play back midi sequences, provided you have access to a Pd with [seq] to convert the files to textfile in advance.
If you want, you can grab the respective code from here: http://trac.rjdj.me/browser/trunk/rjlib/rj
I made my own little help file which pulls the messages apart a little bit more.. I've attached it.
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Martin Peachmartin.peach@sympatico.ca wrote:
Andres Ferrari wrote:
It's the MIDI status byte. For example the "note on" status on channel 1 is 144 (hex 90). Channel 2 would be 145, etc. See for example: http://www.ibiblio.org/emusic-l/info-docs-FAQs/MIDI-doc/MIDI-Statusbytes.txt