hi all,
heres the second beta of PUFO font, added another size 8x11pix. just copy it to /windows/fonts (if you have the previous version, you have to delete it first) and replace your pd.tk file with this www.vju-tv.net/pd.tk
the PUFO font will be used when you select font size 7 or 11 (the rest is courier)
DEVS! -> i wanted to still leave courier 8 & 10pt and tried this but then no font worked ?!
############ pdtk_text_new -- create a new text object #2###########
proc pdtk_text_new {canvasname myname x y text font color} {
# if {$font < 12} {set fontname [format -*-pufo-----%d-* $font]}
# if {$font >= 12} {set fontname [format -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* $font]}
if {$font = 7} {set fontname [format -*-pufo-----%d-* $font]}
if {$font = 8} {set fontname [format -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* $font]}
if {$font = 10} {set fontname [format -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* $font]}
if {$font = 11} {set fontname [format -*-pufo-----%d-* $font]}
if {$font >= 12} {set fontname [format -*-courier-bold--normal--%d-* $font]}
$canvasname create text $x $y
-font $fontname
-tags $myname -text $text -fill $color -anchor nw
# pd [concat $myname size [$canvasname bbox $myname] ;]
i made the font with Softy http://users.iclway.co.uk/l.emmett/ and it said that the font sizes of my font where 7pt(6x9) and 8pt(8x11). i also tested it with an texteditor and it gave me these sizes correct, with 7pt i get the 6x9pix font and 8pt gives 8x11pix font. but with pd i get the 8x11pix font first at 11pt, 8,9,10pt gives allways the 6x9pix font ?!?! nothing tragic, but it made me wonder...
cheers -andre ps. what do you think about the bolded numbers and operators(11pt) pss. is there a need for this font over 12pt. because 12pt+ is courier good readable...