I need to make this configuration (pay attention only to audio):
First, I thought using NetJack... but I don't know if it is possible.
Then, I found netsend~ and netreceive~ (from http://www.nullmedium.de/dev/netsend~/), but they are compiled to 32 bits arch (I didn't compile them to 64 yet).
Also, somebody told me about Scenic (https://github.com/sat-metalab/scenic)
Could anybody of this list tell me what is the best approach? Another idea?
What is VCN? Also good to label your arrows (audio? or messages?).
I think netsend~/netreceive~ is your best choice. Try an end-to-end test without recompiling first.
I would say UDP makes more sense for audio than TCP/IP. (If you drop a big chunk over TCP, and the application can't recover, then potentially the entire TCP connection must be torn down and restarted -- on both ends, which takes time.
UDP is designed for protocols (like live streaming) where you expect packet loss.
Of course you don't want packet loss! But UDP (theoretically) could *recover faster* than TCP. And that's what you want for audio.
On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 9:36 AM, Mario Sottile mariomey@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 4:14 PM, William Huston williamahuston@gmail.com wrote:
What is VCN?
Just a guess, typo for VNC
-- buZz
On 09/06/2016 03:36 PM, Mario Sottile wrote:
I need to make this configuration (pay attention only to audio):
"this configuration" is *severly* underspecified.
what are you trying to achieve? what is the connection between the two hosts? a dedicated network? a shared network? the internet? which bandwidth do you have available? how much is "guaranteed"? what latencies do you need?
we've had very good success connecting 3 european cities (graz, hamburg, belfast; graz, paris) with multichannel (16 iirc, maybe more) with jacktrip[1], and latencies around 50ms. the computers were running osx and linux (depending on the venue and preferences). the network was GÉANT (the european university backbone; which means we had fibre-connections between the venues, serving at 1GBit)
gmdds IOhannes
[1] https://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/software/jacktrip/
i can second johannes post regarding jacktrip.
in june we did a network concert between cologne and taipei, streaming 4 channels of audio at 16/441 in either direction + a skype video feed for projection in the theatre in taipei. even with a non fixed IP on our side (client) and using the general internet of our school (IT had prepared a fixed IP address for us, but it failed on the weekend we wanted to use it), it worked without a hiccup for the hour or so we used it. i was very impressed with jacktrip.
hope this helps
(sorry for resend hans, forgot to cc the list...)
Thirding JackTrip, if that's even necessary haha
I think,.. 4 years ago now? Something like that, we did a telematic concert between Stony Brook and UCSD and sent something crazy like 12 channels or something over JackTrip with relatively low latencies. Not low enough to do crazily rhythmically intricate stuff between the two sides, but low enough to feel like you're playing with the other side and not a just a video,.. (well I'd assume, I was on the tech side of things and didn't get to play). We also streamed video, it wasn't Skype, I can't remember exactly what we used (gimme a break, it was years ago). We did use fixed IPs and Internet 2, which prob helped the latency a bit. We also recorded all the channels into Ardour. It was a pretty cool experience, but long long days lol.
William, VNC is Virtual Network Computing, it is a remote control of computers, to share desktops. You can fix a remote computer using VNC. As I need to see what's happening in the other computer, I thought using VNC. Also, I can control it, by sending keyboard and mouse data.
Arrows are audio (the bottom one is video). If I need to send messages, I would use OpenSoundControl.
I also think using netsend~ but, as I said, it shows this error: "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32". I read there that this is a 32x compiled program running in 64x system. That's why I have to recompile here (I tried to contact the developer, but he didn't respond yet). I can't make a end-to-end test with these externals... if they don't work in my system.
Did you try netsend~/netreceive~?
Yes, I think I understand the difference between UDP and TCP/IP. For this situation, I will use UDP. But, in future, I plan to expand my system to be used also with Internet. Maybe in that moment, I will think using TCP/IP, but it is not my problem for now.