Someone just donated an iPAQ H3835 to my work, so I have of course
installed PDa on it. It runs fine and opens up patches and
everything, but the only sound I get is a little click when Pd
starts. I have tried killed gpe-soundserver, is there a better way
to disable it?
I am running Familiar 0.8.2 with GPE. If there is a better version,
or should I use Qt over GPE, I can easily switch.
I am using a ~/.pdrc file with this in it:
-noadc -verbose
When I run Pd, I get:
idmi@h3600:~$ pd reading startup file: /home/idmi/.pdrc Pd version 0.37.4 compiled 16:08:53 Jul 19 2005 port 5400 Waiting for connection request... TCL_LIBRARY="/usr//lib/pd/tcl/library" TK_LIBRARY="/usr//lib/pd/tk/ library" "/u sr//lib/pd/bin/pd-gui" 5400 ... connected device 1: tried /dev/midi READ/WRITE; returned -1 device 0: tried /dev/midi00 READ/WRITE; returned -1 device 0: tried /dev/midi0 READ/WRITE; returned -1 device 0: tried /dev/midi00 READONLY; returned -1 device 0: tried /dev/midi0 READONLY; returned -1 couldn't open MIDI input device 0 device 0: tried /dev/midi00 WRITEONLY; returned -1 device 0: tried /dev/midi0 WRITEONLY; returned -1 couldn't open MIDI output device 0 opened 0 MIDI input device(s) and 0 MIDI output device(s). input channels = 0, output channels = 2 /dev/dsp (writeonly): Device or resource busy
On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
/dev/dsp (writeonly): Device or resource busy
Hi Hans,
It seems that some other program is still using the soundcard. I don't know how to disable the gpe-soundserver on familiar. The iPaq that I have is very old and familiar does not fit, so I have a costum distribution (without gpe-soundserver) installed.
The other one is a Zaurus with pdaXrom (no gpe-soundserver either).
Maybe someone running a similar system has a clue ? I think that this should be settable somewhere with the configuration program of gpe. If you figure it out, let me know, so I can add it to the FAQ.