Hey gang,
before I go reinventing somebody else's wheel... has anybody written something that takes a (sound) frequency in Hz or MIDI note and outputs the transposed color in RGB values? Along these lines:
F#44 = 737 nm(Infrared) G 44 = 696 nm(Red) G#44 = 657 nm(Red) A 44 = 620 nm(Red-Orange) A#44 = 585 nm(Yellow) B 44 = 552 nm(Green) C 45 = 521 nm(Green) C#45 = 492 nm(Green-Blue) D 45 = 464 nm(Blue) D#45 = 438 nm(Violet) E 45 = 414 nm(Violet) F 45 = 390 nm(Ultraviolet)
Or even something that takes the light wavelength in nanometers and gives separate RGB values? I'm working on a simple color organ for a friend this week.
Danke + best! D.
Derek Holzer wrote:
Hey gang,
before I go reinventing somebody else's wheel... has anybody written something that takes a (sound) frequency in Hz or MIDI note and outputs the transposed color in RGB values? Along these lines:
F#44 = 737 nm(Infrared) G 44 = 696 nm(Red) G#44 = 657 nm(Red) A 44 = 620 nm(Red-Orange) A#44 = 585 nm(Yellow) B 44 = 552 nm(Green) C 45 = 521 nm(Green) C#45 = 492 nm(Green-Blue) D 45 = 464 nm(Blue) D#45 = 438 nm(Violet) E 45 = 414 nm(Violet) F 45 = 390 nm(Ultraviolet)
Or even something that takes the light wavelength in nanometers and gives separate RGB values? I'm working on a simple color organ for a friend this week.
Have fun..
I also found this:
Which seems much more useful for the task at hand. But not being much pf a C programmer, it could take me some time converting it into a Pd patch. I'll report back...
Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
Derek Holzer wrote:
Hey gang,
before I go reinventing somebody else's wheel... has anybody written something that takes a (sound) frequency in Hz or MIDI note and outputs the transposed color in RGB values? Along these lines:
F#44 = 737 nm(Infrared) G 44 = 696 nm(Red) G#44 = 657 nm(Red) A 44 = 620 nm(Red-Orange) A#44 = 585 nm(Yellow) B 44 = 552 nm(Green) C 45 = 521 nm(Green) C#45 = 492 nm(Green-Blue) D 45 = 464 nm(Blue) D#45 = 438 nm(Violet) E 45 = 414 nm(Violet) F 45 = 390 nm(Ultraviolet)
Or even something that takes the light wavelength in nanometers and gives separate RGB values? I'm working on a simple color organ for a friend this week.
Have fun..
Done! Results are attached, with GEM example help patch. Could also be useful for controlling PWM dimmer for RGB lights or LEDs.
best! D.
Derek Holzer wrote:
I also found this:
Which seems much more useful for the task at hand. But not being much pf a C programmer, it could take me some time converting it into a Pd patch. I'll report back...
Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
Derek Holzer wrote:
Hey gang,
before I go reinventing somebody else's wheel... has anybody written something that takes a (sound) frequency in Hz or MIDI note and outputs the transposed color in RGB values? Along these lines:
F#44 = 737 nm(Infrared) G 44 = 696 nm(Red) G#44 = 657 nm(Red) A 44 = 620 nm(Red-Orange) A#44 = 585 nm(Yellow) B 44 = 552 nm(Green) C 45 = 521 nm(Green) C#45 = 492 nm(Green-Blue) D 45 = 464 nm(Blue) D#45 = 438 nm(Violet) E 45 = 414 nm(Violet) F 45 = 390 nm(Ultraviolet)
Or even something that takes the light wavelength in nanometers and gives separate RGB values? I'm working on a simple color organ for a friend this week.
Have fun..
It doesn't work with [hsv2rgb] ? Have a look to this patch. ++
Le 13 avr. 09 à 00:12, Derek Holzer a écrit :
Done! Results are attached, with GEM example help patch. Could also
be useful for controlling PWM dimmer for RGB lights or LEDs.best! D.
Derek Holzer wrote:
I also found this: http://www.mail-archive.com/use-revolution@lists.runrev.com/ msg17390.html Which seems much more useful for the task at hand. But not being
much pf a C programmer, it could take me some time converting it
into a Pd patch. I'll report back... D. Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:Derek Holzer wrote:
Hey gang,
before I go reinventing somebody else's wheel... has anybody
written something that takes a (sound) frequency in Hz or MIDI
note and outputs the transposed color in RGB values? Along these
lines:F#44 = 737 nm(Infrared) G 44 = 696 nm(Red) G#44 = 657 nm(Red) A 44 = 620 nm(Red-Orange) A#44 = 585 nm(Yellow) B 44 = 552 nm(Green) C 45 = 521 nm(Green) C#45 = 492 nm(Green-Blue) D 45 = 464 nm(Blue) D#45 = 438 nm(Violet) E 45 = 414 nm(Violet) F 45 = 390 nm(Ultraviolet)
Or even something that takes the light wavelength in nanometers
and gives separate RGB values? I'm working on a simple color
organ for a friend this week.http://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/specrend/
Have fun..
-- ::: derek holzer ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista ::: http:// www.vimeo.com/macumbista ::: ---Oblique Strategy # 131: "Question the heroic approach" #N canvas 419 47 865 807 10; #X obj 96 49 moses 380; #X obj 147 80 moses 440; #X obj 198 118 moses 490; #X obj 249 149 moses 510; #X obj 300 188 moses 580; #X obj 351 219 moses 645; #X obj 147 188 expr -($f1-440)/(440-380); #X msg 166 207 0; #X msg 186 227 1; #X obj 147 157 t f b b; #X obj 96 72 bang; #X msg 96 118 0; #X msg 126 118 0; #X msg 156 118 0; #X msg 198 299 0; #X msg 237 299 1; #X obj 217 276 expr ($f1-440)/(490-440); #X obj 198 250 t b f b; #X msg 249 359 0; #X msg 268 379 1; #X obj 249 330 t b b f; #X obj 288 358 expr -($f1-510)/(510-490); #X obj 300 379 t f b b; #X msg 319 429 1; #X msg 339 449 0; #X obj 300 410 expr ($f1-510)/(580-510); #X obj 351 476 t b f b; #X msg 351 525 1; #X msg 390 525 0; #X obj 370 502 expr -($f1-645)/(645-580); #X obj 402 248 moses 780; #X obj 402 549 bang; #X msg 402 574 1; #X obj 499 169 moses 380; #X obj 499 192 bang; #X msg 499 217 0; #X obj 652 248 moses 780; #X obj 550 191 moses 419; #X obj 601 219 moses 700; #X obj 550 281 expr 0.3+0.7*($f1-380)/(420-380); #X obj 652 331 expr 0.3+0.7*(780-$f1)/(780-700); #X obj 601 306 bang; #X msg 601 331 1; #X obj 96 25 t f f; #X obj 96 3 inlet wavelength in nm; #X text 829 21 comment; #X text 455 662 Adapted from Monte Goulding's WavelengthToRGB function for libcolor. http://www.mail-archive.com/use- revolution@lists.runrev.com/msg17390.html ; #X text 543 751 derek@umatic.nl; #X obj 96 577 outlet R; #X obj 136 617 outlet G; #X obj 186 657 outlet B; #X obj 499 452 outlet A; #X msg 432 574 0; #X msg 462 574 0; #X connect 0 0 10 0; #X connect 0 1 1 0; #X connect 1 0 9 0; #X connect 1 1 2 0; #X connect 2 0 17 0; #X connect 2 1 3 0; #X connect 3 0 20 0; #X connect 3 1 4 0; #X connect 4 0 22 0; #X connect 4 1 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 30 0; #X connect 6 0 48 0; #X connect 7 0 49 0; #X connect 8 0 50 0; #X connect 9 0 6 0; #X connect 9 1 7 0; #X connect 9 2 8 0; #X connect 10 0 11 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 10 0 13 0; #X connect 11 0 48 0; #X connect 12 0 49 0; #X connect 13 0 50 0; #X connect 14 0 48 0; #X connect 15 0 50 0; #X connect 16 0 49 0; #X connect 17 0 14 0; #X connect 17 1 16 0; #X connect 17 2 15 0; #X connect 18 0 48 0; #X connect 19 0 49 0; #X connect 20 0 18 0; #X connect 20 1 19 0; #X connect 20 2 21 0; #X connect 21 0 50 0; #X connect 22 0 25 0; #X connect 22 1 23 0; #X connect 22 2 24 0; #X connect 23 0 49 0; #X connect 24 0 50 0; #X connect 25 0 48 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 26 1 29 0; #X connect 26 2 28 0; #X connect 27 0 48 0; #X connect 28 0 50 0; #X connect 29 0 49 0; #X connect 30 0 31 0; #X connect 30 1 10 0; #X connect 31 0 32 0; #X connect 31 0 52 0; #X connect 31 0 53 0; #X connect 32 0 48 0; #X connect 33 0 34 0; #X connect 33 1 37 0; #X connect 34 0 35 0; #X connect 35 0 51 0; #X connect 36 0 40 0; #X connect 36 1 34 0; #X connect 37 0 39 0; #X connect 37 1 38 0; #X connect 38 0 41 0; #X connect 38 1 36 0; #X connect 39 0 51 0; #X connect 40 0 51 0; #X connect 41 0 42 0; #X connect 42 0 51 0; #X connect 43 0 0 0; #X connect 43 1 33 0; #X connect 44 0 43 0; #X connect 52 0 49 0; #X connect 53 0 50 0; #N canvas 8 22 664 468 10; #N canvas 0 22 454 304 gemwin 0; #X obj 132 136 gemwin; #X obj 67 89 outlet; #X obj 67 10 inlet; #X obj 67 41 route create; #X msg 67 70 set destroy; #X msg 182 68 set create; #X msg 132 112 create , 1; #X msg 238 112 destroy; #N canvas 87 154 247 179 Gem.init 0; #X obj 59 46 loadbang; #X msg 118 81 reset; #X obj 118 113 outlet; #X obj 59 65 t b b; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 3 1 1 0; #X restore 289 80 pd Gem.init; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 3 0 6 0; #X connect 3 1 5 0; #X connect 3 1 7 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 1 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X connect 7 0 0 0; #X connect 8 0 0 0; #X restore 25 53 pd gemwin; #X msg 25 29 create; #X text 21 9 Create window and render; #X obj 102 190 gemhead; #X obj 102 306 square; #X obj 102 250 colorRGB; #X obj 194 126 hsl 205 15 370 780 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 20400 1; #X floatatom 219 149 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 102 278 alpha; #X floatatom 191 248 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 222 268 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 253 288 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 152 126 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 284 308 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 191 178 WavelengthToRGBA; #X text 190 93 Input range = 380-780 (ultraviolet to infrared
wavelengths) ; #X text 464 398 derek@umatic.nl; #X text 343 245 R; #X text 343 265 G; #X text 343 288 B; #X text 343 308 A; #X text 179 329 Convert wavelength in nanometers to colors in RGB. Let the intensity fall off near the limits of vision , as represented by A (Alpha).; #X connect 0 0 1 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 3 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 8 0; #X connect 6 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 14 0; #X connect 8 0 4 0; #X connect 12 0 14 0; #X connect 14 0 5 1; #X connect 14 0 9 0; #X connect 14 1 5 2; #X connect 14 1 10 0; #X connect 14 2 5 3; #X connect 14 2 11 0; #X connect 14 3 5 4; #X connect 14 3 13 0; _______________________________________________ Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/ listinfo/pd-list
Thx, I didn't know that object. But the scale you have is backwards. Reverse the values, then the wavelength and the RGB values should match better (see wavelengths/colors listed in my first post). I also like the little part about luminosity that the original author of the code I used threw in, to make infrared and ultraviolet fade out as they leave the range of human vision.
best! D.
Jack wrote:
It doesn't work with [hsv2rgb] ? Have a look to this patch. ++
Le 13 avr. 09 à 00:12, Derek Holzer a écrit :
Done! Results are attached, with GEM example help patch. Could also be useful for controlling PWM dimmer for RGB lights or LEDs.
best! D.
Derek Holzer wrote:
I also found this: http://www.mail-archive.com/use-revolution@lists.runrev.com/msg17390.html
Which seems much more useful for the task at hand. But not being much pf a C programmer, it could take me some time converting it into a Pd patch. I'll report back... D. Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
Derek Holzer wrote:
Hey gang,
before I go reinventing somebody else's wheel... has anybody written something that takes a (sound) frequency in Hz or MIDI note and outputs the transposed color in RGB values? Along these lines:
F#44 = 737 nm(Infrared) G 44 = 696 nm(Red) G#44 = 657 nm(Red) A 44 = 620 nm(Red-Orange) A#44 = 585 nm(Yellow) B 44 = 552 nm(Green) C 45 = 521 nm(Green) C#45 = 492 nm(Green-Blue) D 45 = 464 nm(Blue) D#45 = 438 nm(Violet) E 45 = 414 nm(Violet) F 45 = 390 nm(Ultraviolet)
Or even something that takes the light wavelength in nanometers and gives separate RGB values? I'm working on a simple color organ for a friend this week.
Have fun..
-- ::: derek holzer ::: http://blog.myspace.com/macumbista ::: http://www.vimeo.com/macumbista ::: ---Oblique Strategy # 131: "Question the heroic approach" #N canvas 419 47 865 807 10; #X obj 96 49 moses 380; #X obj 147 80 moses 440; #X obj 198 118 moses 490; #X obj 249 149 moses 510; #X obj 300 188 moses 580; #X obj 351 219 moses 645; #X obj 147 188 expr -($f1-440)/(440-380); #X msg 166 207 0; #X msg 186 227 1; #X obj 147 157 t f b b; #X obj 96 72 bang; #X msg 96 118 0; #X msg 126 118 0; #X msg 156 118 0; #X msg 198 299 0; #X msg 237 299 1; #X obj 217 276 expr ($f1-440)/(490-440); #X obj 198 250 t b f b; #X msg 249 359 0; #X msg 268 379 1; #X obj 249 330 t b b f; #X obj 288 358 expr -($f1-510)/(510-490); #X obj 300 379 t f b b; #X msg 319 429 1; #X msg 339 449 0; #X obj 300 410 expr ($f1-510)/(580-510); #X obj 351 476 t b f b; #X msg 351 525 1; #X msg 390 525 0; #X obj 370 502 expr -($f1-645)/(645-580); #X obj 402 248 moses 780; #X obj 402 549 bang; #X msg 402 574 1; #X obj 499 169 moses 380; #X obj 499 192 bang; #X msg 499 217 0; #X obj 652 248 moses 780; #X obj 550 191 moses 419; #X obj 601 219 moses 700; #X obj 550 281 expr 0.3+0.7*($f1-380)/(420-380); #X obj 652 331 expr 0.3+0.7*(780-$f1)/(780-700); #X obj 601 306 bang; #X msg 601 331 1; #X obj 96 25 t f f; #X obj 96 3 inlet wavelength in nm; #X text 829 21 comment; #X text 455 662 Adapted from Monte Goulding's WavelengthToRGB function for libcolor. http://www.mail-archive.com/use-revolution@lists.runrev.com/msg17390.html ; #X text 543 751 derek@umatic.nl; #X obj 96 577 outlet R; #X obj 136 617 outlet G; #X obj 186 657 outlet B; #X obj 499 452 outlet A; #X msg 432 574 0; #X msg 462 574 0; #X connect 0 0 10 0; #X connect 0 1 1 0; #X connect 1 0 9 0; #X connect 1 1 2 0; #X connect 2 0 17 0; #X connect 2 1 3 0; #X connect 3 0 20 0; #X connect 3 1 4 0; #X connect 4 0 22 0; #X connect 4 1 5 0; #X connect 5 0 26 0; #X connect 5 1 30 0; #X connect 6 0 48 0; #X connect 7 0 49 0; #X connect 8 0 50 0; #X connect 9 0 6 0; #X connect 9 1 7 0; #X connect 9 2 8 0; #X connect 10 0 11 0; #X connect 10 0 12 0; #X connect 10 0 13 0; #X connect 11 0 48 0; #X connect 12 0 49 0; #X connect 13 0 50 0; #X connect 14 0 48 0; #X connect 15 0 50 0; #X connect 16 0 49 0; #X connect 17 0 14 0; #X connect 17 1 16 0; #X connect 17 2 15 0; #X connect 18 0 48 0; #X connect 19 0 49 0; #X connect 20 0 18 0; #X connect 20 1 19 0; #X connect 20 2 21 0; #X connect 21 0 50 0; #X connect 22 0 25 0; #X connect 22 1 23 0; #X connect 22 2 24 0; #X connect 23 0 49 0; #X connect 24 0 50 0; #X connect 25 0 48 0; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X connect 26 1 29 0; #X connect 26 2 28 0; #X connect 27 0 48 0; #X connect 28 0 50 0; #X connect 29 0 49 0; #X connect 30 0 31 0; #X connect 30 1 10 0; #X connect 31 0 32 0; #X connect 31 0 52 0; #X connect 31 0 53 0; #X connect 32 0 48 0; #X connect 33 0 34 0; #X connect 33 1 37 0; #X connect 34 0 35 0; #X connect 35 0 51 0; #X connect 36 0 40 0; #X connect 36 1 34 0; #X connect 37 0 39 0; #X connect 37 1 38 0; #X connect 38 0 41 0; #X connect 38 1 36 0; #X connect 39 0 51 0; #X connect 40 0 51 0; #X connect 41 0 42 0; #X connect 42 0 51 0; #X connect 43 0 0 0; #X connect 43 1 33 0; #X connect 44 0 43 0; #X connect 52 0 49 0; #X connect 53 0 50 0; #N canvas 8 22 664 468 10; #N canvas 0 22 454 304 gemwin 0; #X obj 132 136 gemwin; #X obj 67 89 outlet; #X obj 67 10 inlet; #X obj 67 41 route create; #X msg 67 70 set destroy; #X msg 182 68 set create; #X msg 132 112 create , 1; #X msg 238 112 destroy; #N canvas 87 154 247 179 Gem.init 0; #X obj 59 46 loadbang; #X msg 118 81 reset; #X obj 118 113 outlet; #X obj 59 65 t b b; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 3 1 1 0; #X restore 289 80 pd Gem.init; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 3 0 6 0; #X connect 3 1 5 0; #X connect 3 1 7 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 1 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X connect 7 0 0 0; #X connect 8 0 0 0; #X restore 25 53 pd gemwin; #X msg 25 29 create; #X text 21 9 Create window and render; #X obj 102 190 gemhead; #X obj 102 306 square; #X obj 102 250 colorRGB; #X obj 194 126 hsl 205 15 370 780 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -6 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 20400 1; #X floatatom 219 149 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 102 278 alpha; #X floatatom 191 248 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 222 268 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 253 288 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 152 126 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 284 308 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 191 178 WavelengthToRGBA; #X text 190 93 Input range = 380-780 (ultraviolet to infrared wavelengths) ; #X text 464 398 derek@umatic.nl; #X text 343 245 R; #X text 343 265 G; #X text 343 288 B; #X text 343 308 A; #X text 179 329 Convert wavelength in nanometers to colors in RGB. Let the intensity fall off near the limits of vision , as represented by A (Alpha).; #X connect 0 0 1 0; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 3 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 8 0; #X connect 6 0 7 0; #X connect 6 0 14 0; #X connect 8 0 4 0; #X connect 12 0 14 0; #X connect 14 0 5 1; #X connect 14 0 9 0; #X connect 14 1 5 2; #X connect 14 1 10 0; #X connect 14 2 5 3; #X connect 14 2 11 0; #X connect 14 3 5 4; #X connect 14 3 13 0; _______________________________________________ Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list