hi all
the ongoing thread about using gpu to process audio made me realize, that there are some basic concepts in gem, that i still don't understand.
what is single buffer mode? what is double buffer mode? how are both used? which is the default mode, that assumingly almost everyone uses, when doing 'common' gem patches?
is it possible somehow to render a frame on arbitrary times? the way i used to use gem yet was that i told [gemwin] with wich framerate to render. is there a mode or a way, where i can tell gem 'render now' and then i get an updated screen, that persists until i do again 'render now'?
are these questions somehow related to each other?
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hi, I will try to answer from my understanding, and then maybe iohannes and chris can correct me. usually when you turn gem rendering on, the following happens: erase the buffer, draw all objects according to the order of gemheads (every gemhead can have a sorting number 0-100 and negative values.) I am not sure if this is buffer 2, but it is definitely not buffer 1. buffer 1 means: erase the buffer only when gemwin gets a bang. and draw only when a gemheads gets a bang. there is an example 04.pix/10.pixdatasimple that makes use of that technique. one very important object is gemframebuffer. it is not documented (no help patch) and is only used in one example 07.texture/10.framebuffer but it very very essential. because it enables you to render to a texture on the gpu and then use this imagedata as a texture for other objects.
[gemhead] | [gemframebuffer] | | | [ID\ !!! | [translateXYZ 0 0 -4] | [pix_image] | [do_your_stuff] | [pix_texture] | [square 4]
| [ID
| |
Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Sun, 2007-11-11 at 15:55 -0500, marius schebella wrote:
according to output of [gemwin] on console, when sent a 'print' message, the default (standard) mode is 'buffer 2'.
ah, thanks for this hint. i think i got it now. it probably would be cool to have a reference from gemwin-help.pd to this patch. i didn't have an idea where to look for an example, that uses single buffer mode. the most obvious place to look for it was for me gemwin-help.pd, but it only tells you, that there are these two modes, but not how to use them.
cool. this would have been my next question :-)
yo, your words have been really helpful for me. thanks a lot.
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