so finally (i think) i made it with making the patches less messy avoiding ambiguous situations like the ones pointed out by few people in the list (thanks). So there it goes http://www.ixi-audio.net/content/download/ehu_abstractions.zip
i also added some more docs, and even translated the docs to spanish (!).
This is the description : EHU is a set of abstractions for PureData real-time graphical programming environment (http://www.puredata.org , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puredata). The main purpose of EHU is control/manipulate/analise/sequence video and audio in real-time. EHU encapsulates the complexity of programming with PureData to allow for rapid prototyping of interactive systems. EHU is developed for people with basic knowledge of PD but also for more advanced users to ease and speed up as much as possible the development. EHU also includes abstractions to control Arduino (http://www.arduino.cc) from PD (wraps pduino example by Gerda Strobl and Georg Holtzmann). Main areas covered by EHU abstractions are : video files, video cameras, pictures, audio utilities, general utilities.
And again, this is thought to be used within PD extended. It uses few abstractions and externals included there. Check the readme file for more details on which ones are used and other details.