I always considered a canvas (meant as a pd window i.e. a patch or subpatch) and a [cnv] object (the graphical object with a background color and a label) as two completely different and unrelated things that just happen to be both called "canvas".
Is it so, or is there some more subtle relation between them, perhaps in the way they are implemented at a lower level?
Just a curiosity
thanks m.
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011, Matteo Sisti Sette wrote:
I always considered a canvas (meant as a pd window i.e. a patch or subpatch) and a [cnv] object (the graphical object with a background color and a label) as two completely different and unrelated things that just happen to be both called "canvas". Is it so, or is there some more subtle relation between them, perhaps in the way they are implemented at a lower level?
They have nothing to do with each other. In a bout of frustration about this deliberate misnaming, I nicknamed the latter "can'tvas", but when I'm more serious, I call it [cnv] and pretend that the letters "cnv" don't stand for anything at all. As a backronym, though, I'm tempted to say "Couldn't Name Vigilantly" or "Confuses Notably the Vocabulary".
| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC