Hello August!
I've installed libmad0 - but still readanysf~ cannot read mp3 (-MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz stereo)
Opening file: /home/gerda/musiksachen/rabtal/betrogen.mp3 file not recognized, format = -1
Also I have a strange patch behaviour in which my readanysf~ is in--if I open it-pd is telling me: readanysf~ ... couldn't create. I always have to recreate the object which is very unhandy.
Thanks. lg Gerda
Hello August!
I've installed libmad0 - but still readanysf~ cannot read mp3 (-MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz stereo)
if you are on debian, then you need to install libmad0-dev (I believe)
you need the development package which has the necessary header for compiling.
after getting the dev files, recompile readanysf~ and you should be able to play mp3 files.
Opening file: /home/gerda/musiksachen/rabtal/betrogen.mp3 file not recognized, format = -1
Also I have a strange patch behaviour in which my readanysf~ is in--if I open it-pd is telling me: readanysf~ ... couldn't create. I always have to recreate the object which is very unhandy.
not sure what is going on there. where did you put the readanysf~.pd_linux ?