ou jee,
getting more OT + flooding, sorry !
but, i'm on a (loud) text based brain storming trip at the moment :)
dunno what you could do with this, but how would it be to get teletext to PD (you know, the text "sites" you can get with your tv) i could think getting teletext as strings (or even as pictures) would be (maybe) interesting (atleast for experimenting)
but then again, theres internet thats full of the same blahblah...
btw. internet, is there a possibilty to get pictures from googles image search to PD (with vvvv [.meso.net] i allmost got it done)
but then again again, teletext doesnt cost "anything" and is easier to access than internet...
cheers -andre ps. computer time is up, girlfriend calling ;)
I read:
dunno what you could do with this, but how would it be to get teletext to PD (you know, the text "sites" you can get with your tv) i could think getting teletext as strings (or even as pictures) would be (maybe) interesting (atleast for experimenting)
as soon as I get /dev/vbi working on my usb tv tuner I'll see what I can do.
is there a possibilty to get pictures from googles image search to PD (with vvvv [.meso.net] i allmost got it done)
I wrote some scripts for google image search, basically involving wget and lynx, should be trivial to use with [shell]. I also did another project that retrieves stuff from a webcam for later warping using gem.
I can send it to you if you want.
is there a possibilty to get pictures from googles image search to PD (with vvvv [.meso.net] i allmost got it done)
I wrote some scripts for google image search, basically involving wget and lynx, should be trivial to use with [shell]. I also did another project that retrieves stuff from a webcam for later warping using gem.
everbody seems to be willing to get images from google, funny, i did that script for another purpose...
it should be used like this : ./images-sucker.pl <keyword> then load the images into pd.
se v y