Hello, I have been working on my own little library of PD abstractions that I thought some people might find useful. They are still works in progress - especially the help files - but I think everything works. Objects from zexy, GEM, and maxlib were used, and everything was created with Pure Data 0.39.2-extended-test2 on WinXP. Available here: http://www.cyborgk.com/software.html
Feel free to check out my music while you are there as well!
Notes: The cyborg abstractions are designed especially for composers using aleatoric processes in their compositions.
Contents: morph.pd morph-help.pd probSeq.pd probSeq-help.pd ptnMorph.pd ptnMorph-help.pd randList.pd randMetro.pd randMetro-help.pd swingMetro.pd swingMetro-help.pd tripleMorph.pd tripleMorph-help.pd