On 13.10.2006, at 11:16, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
I will at least wink to you that you'll need to provide the usual information to receive help! Some of that being: OS (e.g. [...]
ibook 1,3g ppc g4 os x 10.4.8 presonus firebox or digidesign 002r
On 10/13/06, Florian Kuehnle flokuehnle@gmx.de wrote:
chapter 2: with 0.39-2, 0.40-0, 0.40-1 i always get an error message in he pd- window:
unknown audio API specified unknown API unknown API unknown API unknown API [...] unknown API unknown API unknown API audio I/O stuck... closing audio
sys_close_audio: unknown API 5
somebody give me a wink if such problems are too kiddy-shiddy for the list.
In your Home directory, under Library/Preferences, try deleting or renaming the org.puredata.pd.plist file.
On 10/13/06, Florian Kuehnle flokuehnle@gmx.de wrote:
On 13.10.2006, at 11:16, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
I will at least wink to you that you'll need to provide the usual information to receive help! Some of that being: OS (e.g. [...]
ibook 1,3g ppc g4 os x 10.4.8 presonus firebox or digidesign 002r
On 10/13/06, Florian Kuehnle flokuehnle@gmx.de wrote:
chapter 2: with 0.39-2, 0.40-0, 0.40-1 i always get an error message in he pd- window:
unknown audio API specified unknown API unknown API unknown API unknown API [...] unknown API unknown API unknown API audio I/O stuck... closing audio
sys_close_audio: unknown API 5
somebody give me a wink if such problems are too kiddy-shiddy for the list.
-- Florian Kuehnle Berlin flokuehnle@gmx.de
PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
On Oct 13, 2006, at 12:23 PM, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
In your Home directory, under Library/Preferences, try deleting or renaming the org.puredata.pd.plist file.
that did it. lovely.
thanks a lot fk.