it's not really a big annoucement, just an update of some code that can only work with Open CV 2.0...
as only Lucid is shipping Open CV 2.0 ( but strangely the packages are called libcv4, libhighgui4 and libcvaux4 ), this update only makes sense if you use Lucid, so you can find a .deb package for Lucid only here : http://artefacte.org/pdpkg/pdopencv/
( it only worlks with a lucid 32 bits and pd 0.41.4, for other systems you can find the source code and instructions here : http://www.hangar.org/wikis/lab/doku.php?id=start:puredata_opencv )
i mainly fixes some problems with optical flows objects like these : http://www.hangar.org/wikis/lab/lib/exe/detail.php?id=start%3Apuredata_openc... and add the SURF algorithm....
shanti, sevy