/////////////// Sorry If I double posted this e mail, but i'm not sure if it got through since i was changing e mail adresses ///////////////
Hello Andrés,
I have recently tried to accomplish that same thing, in my case to send messages from Max to Pd in the same machine. (just so that we are on the same track I'm using OSX 10.4.8 PowerPC G4 1.67GHz 512MB, Max 4.6.2 and Pd 0.40-1)
Now I still haven't tried OSC, but netsend/netreceive in UDP gave me messages in the max window of this sort:
netsend: warning: blocked 17 msec
but I have gotten messages up to 282ms. this behaviour is quite erratic, sometimes it is 16-17 for a while and then suddenly 85, 156, 256, etc.
Now this is the answer I got in the max-list from Olaf Mathes who i believe made or maintains these objects for Max...
Right. It just means that delivering the messages took 17 milliseconds. You get a waring for every attept to send that takes longer than 5 ms. However, the data gets through anyway, if not you'd get a warning telling you so. I will probably update netsend ibn a few days because I think it uses the wrong time functio (systime_ms()) to figure out how long sending takes. I will change this to clock_getftime() because I have the slight feeling that ntsend is complaining far too often.
So... I have tried to send only one or two floats every 50ms and it complains very little, but i am not trusting netsend too much right now... let me know how it works for you...
good luck,