Deceptively simple - you resize the window.
I know that this really a basic question but i can't have this to work. I want to resize an image in GEM. I have the GEM window set to 800x600 and i can put an 800x600 in there. But i want to change the image to 350x200, for instance, but i can't do this. I can resize video playing, no problem, but i can't get the same effect with images. What object am i missing? I tried "pix_resize" but i didn't worked...
Yes, i can resize the window. But i have videos and other text elements playing as well and i don't want them to be resized as the picture isn't the only element of the window. Of course i can also resize the images first to the desired size, but it seems a litle weird to do that as i can resize the videos perfectly and i can't do that with images...
--- wrote: > Deceptively simple - you resize the window.
I know that this really a basic question but i
have this to work. I want to resize an image in
have the GEM window set to 800x600 and i can put
800x600 in there. But i want to change the image
350x200, for instance, but i can't do this. I can resize video playing, no problem, but i can't get
same effect with images. What object am i missing?
tried "pix_resize" but i didn't worked...
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