Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgghhhhhh, I send and SOS to the world, I hope that someone get´s my...message in a bottle.
still fiddling around with that bl##dy OSC connection form Windows to Mac or Pd to Max respectively.
Status: firewalls are off sending OSC from Mac using Max to Windows using Pd works just fine sending OSC from Windows using Pd to Mac using Max doesn´t work, I receive the following message: SendData::SendHTMSocket()failure -- not connected
to receive I use the dumpOSC object to send I use the sendOSC object. I give in the IP number of the Mac and its port, but...nothing :-(
by the way, sending and receiving OSC from Pd to Reaktor on Windows works also perfectly.
any suggestions are warmly welcome. thanks, M.
Mojn, mind the portnumbers.
UDP is like a scream/stream, just broadcasting on the whole network for anyone to listen on that port. TCP/IP does handshake on two channels (eg port 4444 and 4445) involving al kinds of "are you ready, oh, I didnt get that", messages.
If you want to connect both ways with UDP select two different portnumbers for the two senders (5555 7777).
Make shure these ports are free, on win do Run/"netstat -a 30" to see. on mac I don't know.
And as Martin says: "Mind the networkfiltering (firewalls)", these ports need to be open for network traffic.
Good luck
mvh/Steffen Leve Poulsen
Marko Timlin skrev:
Moi, where can I find "martin's net/osc objects" mentioned below by IOhannes?
and why do I have to set up the machines to pass udp packets on port 7000? is
there a reason why port 7000 and not any other port???
thanks, m. wrote:
Be sure that both machines are set up to pass udp packets on port 7000.
e.g. be sure to configure your firewalls correctly when dealing with network traffic (the sender computer must allow outgoing udp-traffic on the specified port, the receiving computer must allow incoming udp-traffic on the port and all intermediate firewalls have to act accordingly).
and connect a [print] directly to [dumpOSC] so you can see whether you receive anyhing.
and watch the console, whether it bails out on either the sending or the receiving side.
mfga.sdf IOhannes
PS: and use martin's net/osc objects, they are better...
Marko Timlin wrote:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgghhhhhh, I send and SOS to the world, I hope that someone get´s my...message in a bottle.
still fiddling around with that bl##dy OSC connection form Windows to Mac or Pd to Max respectively.
Status: firewalls are off sending OSC from Mac using Max to Windows using Pd works just fine sending OSC from Windows using Pd to Mac using Max doesn´t work, I receive the following message: SendData::SendHTMSocket()failure -- not connected
to receive I use the dumpOSC object to send I use the sendOSC object. I give in the IP number of the Mac and its port, but...nothing :-(
by the way, sending and receiving OSC from Pd to Reaktor on Windows works also perfectly.
honestly, have you tried to find out _where_ the error is (the mac, the xp box, the network) as suggested in previous mails? probably i have overlooked this in sos...
can you connect from mac to mac (localhost)? can you connect from xp to xp (localhost)? (ok, you tested this!)
what is inbetween the 2 machines? another firewall? (a real one, not a "personal firewall" nonsense)
have you tried installing Pd on the mac and see what it gets? do you have other machines available for testing?
have you tried other ports? are you sure that both objects are working in the same protocol (UDP).
you could try to find some cmd-line tools for sending (and receiving) messages.
again: "netcat" is the swiss army knife for _anything_ network related. it will allow you to fake both a server (netreceive/dumpOSC) and a client (netsend/sendOSC).
mfg.asdr IOhannes