Thanks for the tip, it's installed (after some troubles, I installed
Tcl/Tk and it goes), but 0.37 seems much more complicated than 0.38
which is on my G4 iBook.
For Instance I can't find a way to load the oscx external, tried -lib
oscx in the commandline, it won't load, (might also have to do with
the quite shielded structure of 10.1).
I don't have 10.2 available so installing this is no option.
Can anyone help me with the inclusion of oscx into 0,37 for osc
On Dec 24, 2006, at 3:50 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I think the 0.37 versions will run on 10.1. 0.38 and above needs at
least 10.3. Also, I think that machine will run at least 10.2, which
is a big improvement in speed over 10.1.
On Dec 23, 2006, at 4:23 PM, Dennis Peeters wrote:
Hello all,
I'm new to the list, and also pretty new to PD, but slowly getting
I normally run PD on my iBook G4, but now I'm trying to get it going
on my "old world" (no USB) G3 Powerbook, that'll only run OSX 10.1.
The prebuild version I tried to put on it was not recognized as a
package (.app) by 10.1 but just shows as a folder.
Any pointers to a stable older version are welcome, so I can use my
Powerbook as a small footprint controller (via OSC and such) for
bigger patches and Triokatronix' Isadora on other macs.
Dennis mailing list
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