hi list
trying to connect to an icecast server using shoutcast~ from akustische-kunst.org i send messages in the right order, that is: 1 passwd 2 icecast (server type) 3 connect
i always have dsp on
i get the following error: shoutcast~: mp3 streamer version 0.1, written by Olaf Matthes shoutcast~ : setting password to (mypasswd) shoutcast~: set server type to IceCast shoutcast~: connecting to port 8000 shoutcast~: logging in to IceCast server... shoutcast~: login failed!
using icecast 1.3.11-debian via apt-get
the icecast.conf is on http://ice.mur.at/icecast/
any ideas are very welcome!!
Peter P.
Peter Plessas schrieb:
shoutcast~: mp3 streamer version 0.1, written by Olaf Matthes
This seems to be a quite old version. You should try the latest one (0.3) from http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/shout/
Let me know if this doesn't solve your problem.
hello list,
something strange is happening with the $0-receives and sends in the patch below. when i open the patch, the $0 is replaced by a number. i know this is supposed to happen internally, but the number is also written on screen where the $0 should be, and wheni save the patch, the number is saved in stead of $0. this happens both in pd-0.36 and 0.37. i tried to reproduce the problem in some new patches. i did several variations with and without sliders with internal send/receive, with canvas, with gop on, with subpatch, ... but there $0 allways behaved normally...
here's the patch - check the slider sends and the multidelay~ subpatch.. when i open it and save it, the second line looks like: #X msg 334 351; 1000-gdfx_sdly1 649 ; 1000-gdfx_sdly2 727 ; 1000-gdfx_ldly1 etcc...
#N canvas 577 134 233 162 12; #X msg 334 351 ; $0-gdfx_sdly1 649 ; $0-gdfx_sdly2 727 ; $0-gdfx_ldly1 866 ; $0-gdfx_ldly2 4000 ; $0-gdfx_mdly_fdbck 0.4 ;; #X msg 364 471 ; $0-gdfx_sdly1 8.93 ; $0-gdfx_sdly2 23 ; $0-gdfx_ldly1 40 ; $0-gdfx_ldly2 4000 ; $0-gdfx_mdly_fdbck 0.5 ;; #X text 365 452 perc transorm; #X text 303 227 dly 1; #X text 336 333 dly 2; #X msg 304 248 ; $0-gdfx_sdly1 1073 ; $0-gdfx_sdly2 1560 ; $0-gdfx_ldly1 2276 ; $0-gdfx_ldly2 2965 ;; #X obj 0 0 cnv 15 230 160 empty empty mdly 5 12 1 10 -220522 -33289 0; #X obj 6 26 hsl 150 12 0 8 0 0 empty $0-gdfx_mdly_invol input_vol 5 6 65 8 -260634 -208896 -1 0 1; #X obj 7 43 hsl 150 12 0.32 32 1 0 $0-sgdfx_mdly_outvol $0-gdfx_mdly_outvol output_vol 5 6 193 8 -260634 -208896 -1 0 1; #X obj 43 302 *~; #X obj 7 65 hsl 150 12 5 2000 0 0 $0-sgdfx_sdly1 $0-gdfx_sdly1 dly1 5 6 193 8 -186740 -208896 -1 0 1; #X obj 7 81 hsl 150 12 5 2000 0 0 $0-sgdfx_sdly2 $0-gdfx_sdly2 dly2 5 6 193 8 -186740 -208896 -1 0 1; #X obj 7 97 hsl 150 12 5 4000 0 0 $0-sgdfx_ldly1 $0-gdfx_ldly1 dly3 5 6 193 8 -186740 -208896 -1 0 1; #X obj 7 114 hsl 150 12 5 4000 0 0 $0-sgdfx_ldly2 $0-gdfx_ldly2 dly4 5 6 193 8 -186740 -208896 -1 0 1; #N canvas 250 193 959 476 multidelay~ 0; #X obj 290 376 clip~ -1 1; #X obj 557 378 clip~ -1 1; #X obj 557 71 delread~ $0-ln02 800; #X obj 290 352 *~; #X obj 557 354 *~; #X obj 13 6 inlet~; #X obj 290 401 outlet~; #X obj 557 403 outlet~; #X obj 303 248 r $0-sgdfx_sdly1; #X obj 582 237 r $0-sgdfx_sdly2; #X obj 290 47 r $0-sgdfx_ldly1; #X obj 408 318 r $0-sgdfx_mdly_outvol; #X obj 557 46 r $0-sgdfx_ldly2; #X obj 329 113 r $0-sgdfx_mdly_fdbck; #X obj 310 136 *~; #X obj 310 162 throw~ $0-gdfx_mdly_signalin; #X obj 303 298 /~ 2; #X obj 582 285 /~ 2; #X obj 14 81 catch~ $0-gdfx_mdly_signalin; #X obj 13 30 clip~ -0.99 0.99; #X obj 13 53 throw~ $0-gdfx_mdly_signalin; #X obj 290 72 delread~ $0-ln02 1000; #X obj 14 106 delwrite~ $0-ln02 4000; #X obj 303 273 delread~ $0-ln02 70; #X obj 582 262 delread~ $0-ln02 100; #X obj 586 111 r $0-sgdfx_mdly_fdbck; #X obj 567 134 *~; #X obj 567 160 throw~ $0-gdfx_mdly_signalin; #X connect 0 0 6 0; #X connect 1 0 7 0; #X connect 2 0 4 0; #X connect 2 0 26 0; #X connect 3 0 0 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 19 0; #X connect 8 0 23 0; #X connect 9 0 24 0; #X connect 10 0 21 0; #X connect 11 0 4 1; #X connect 11 0 3 1; #X connect 12 0 2 0; #X connect 13 0 14 1; #X connect 14 0 15 0; #X connect 16 0 3 0; #X connect 17 0 4 0; #X connect 18 0 22 0; #X connect 19 0 20 0; #X connect 21 0 3 0; #X connect 21 0 14 0; #X connect 23 0 16 0; #X connect 24 0 17 0; #X connect 25 0 26 1; #X connect 26 0 27 0; #X restore 43 327 pd multidelay~; #X obj 7 136 hsl 150 12 0 0.6 0 0 $0-sgdfx_mdly_fdbck $0-gdfx_mdly_fdbck feedback 5 6 193 8 -159018 -208896 -1 0 1; #X obj 163 65 nbx 5 11 5 2000 0 0 empty $0-sgdfx_sdly1 empty 0 -6 64 10 -186740 -208896 -1 5 256; #X obj 163 81 nbx 5 11 5 2000 0 0 empty $0-sgdfx_sdly2 empty 0 -6 64 10 -186740 -208896 -99865 5 256; #X obj 163 97 nbx 5 11 5 4000 0 0 empty $0-sgdfx_ldly1 empty 0 -6 64 10 -186740 -208896 -1 5 256; #X obj 163 114 nbx 5 11 5 4000 0 0 empty $0-sgdfx_ldly2 empty 0 -6 64 10 -186740 -208896 -1 5 256; #X obj 163 136 nbx 5 11 0 1 0 0 empty $0-sgdfx_mdly_fdbck empty 0 -6 64 10 -159018 -208896 -1 0 256; #X obj 163 43 nbx 5 11 0.32 32 0 0 empty $0-sgdfx_mdly_outvol empty 0 -6 64 10 -260634 -208896 -1 0.32 256; #X obj 150 350 clip~ -1 1; #X obj 43 224 inlet~; #X obj 162 26 nbx 5 11 -1e+037 1e+037 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 10 -260634 -208896 -1 0 256; #X obj 43 277 +~; #X obj 62 250 inlet~; #X obj 43 351 clip~ -1 1; #X obj 43 375 outlet~; #X obj 150 376 outlet~; #X obj 304 207 select 0 1 2; #X obj 71 2 tgl 13 0 empty empty on -17 6 1 9 -226901 -208896 -1 0 1; #X obj 318 47 switch~; #X obj 122 2 hradio 12 1 0 3 empty empty pre -20 6 1 8 -162544 -208896 -1 0; #X connect 7 0 9 1; #X connect 7 0 24 0; #X connect 9 0 14 0; #X connect 14 0 27 0; #X connect 14 1 22 0; #X connect 22 0 29 0; #X connect 23 0 25 0; #X connect 25 0 9 0; #X connect 26 0 25 1; #X connect 27 0 28 0; #X connect 30 0 5 0; #X connect 30 1 0 0; #X connect 30 2 1 0; #X connect 31 0 32 0; #X connect 33 0 30 0; #X coords 0 0 1 1 230 160 1;
http://kristoflauwers.de.vu ____________________________________
Hallo, kristof lauwers hat gesagt: // kristof lauwers wrote:
here's the patch - check the slider sends and the multidelay~ subpatch.. when i open it and save it, the second line looks like: #X msg 334 351; 1000-gdfx_sdly1 649 ; 1000-gdfx_sdly2 727 ; 1000-gdfx_ldly1 etcc...
#N canvas 577 134 233 162 12; #X msg 334 351 ; $0-gdfx_sdly1 649 ; $0-gdfx_sdly2 727 ; $0-gdfx_ldly1 866 ; $0-gdfx_ldly2 4000 ; $0-gdfx_mdly_fdbck 0.4 ;;
I don't know why you have such strange values, but in the text file, "$0" should be escaped and read "$0" everywhere. I search and replaced everything and now it works (see attachment).
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
At 00:31 10/10/03 +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
I don't know why you have such strange values, but in the text file, "$0" should be escaped and read "$0" everywhere. I search and replaced everything and now it works (see attachment).
this worked for the $0- in the message boxes and normal send/receives, but the send-symbols of the sliders still have the same problem..