it could be done in pd using datastructures - but for that you should ask
to the people who know how to work with them.
I don't know if eg. Processing might have some modules for that. I know
that you can do that with some csound compositional assistance programs
(blue? cecilia? look in they export for text, because csound
works with text - but then the information has to be "converted" to pd
format (which shouldn't be hard to do).
I would advise to stay in pd, unless the gui part is really important. in
that case maybe processing, but I'm making up as I go now. better ask some
of the pros here, who also know all about data structures.
Well, something like this:
Create and move freely the points that form the "broken line" (even
though it looks smooth) with the mouse by clicking in a nice GUI with many
visual and data handling options and functions (zoom, colors, cut-copy-paste,
undo are just a few that come to my mind rapidly).Also with the mouse, set the smoothness factor of each point (that would affect the concavity of the adjacent lines).
By double clicking in a point, an exact value of coordinates could be entered by text.
In addition, it could have a text-based-point-creation control panel,
where could be set the coordinates where the point will be created.Finally, a "export to text file" function with selectable resolution.
(May be a "send to PD + "arrayname"" would be ok too)This is what comes to my mind. May be it's too much. Should I try to
build this in PD or I should use another language? In that case, which one?