i am trying to turn my computer keyboard into a midi keyboard for
sequencing, and i'm curious about the HID readout for key_49, which
on my ibook g4 is the "|" and "" key. i have [hid] printing to the
console, and when i press key_49, i get this readout:
\: dropped print: key key_-1 49 print: key key_1 0 print: key key_49 1 print: key key_-1 0 \: dropped print: key key_-1 0 print: key key_1 0 print: key key_49 0 print: key key_-1 0
what is the meaning of the "\: dropped" message? will it impede my
using that key as a note on the keyboard?
thanks, leo
On 7/18/06, Christian Klippel ck@mamalala.de wrote:
Yes, If you want to use that key even if a backslash is prohibited in Pd, your should try out the french canadian keyboard layout !! I don't like azerty keyboards... and I try to promote it in France. ;-) There is also the dvorak keyboard layout, for originals : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_keyboard
Actually, you should use the key number, and not the letter symbol, no ? Please do the "hard work" and make it freely available as an abstraction. ;-)
On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Alexandre Quessy wrote:
Real men delete the offending line from pd/src/g_editor.c.
I mean only the annoying post(). The actual catching must be preserved, else it's a bug.
_ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ... | Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju | Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
On 7/18/06, Alexandre Quessy listes@sourcelibre.com wrote:
Actually, you should use [key] or [keyname], no ? Easier, I guess.