hi, i would like to use my new wimote with puredata , for controlling the point of view of the camera in a gem patch. Do anybody have tried this before? is there any patch that somebody can share? if not... which external do i need in order to use wimote and pd?
i have a last question..Do i need that infrarred light for controlling 3d rotation with the wiimote?
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.
on this [1] url (mikwoz means probably 'mike wonzniewski', right? hey, cool work, btw!) you get the sources and instructions about how to install the external. it worked out of the box here (ubuntu dapper i386).
i exactly used the wiimote for the same purpose: to navigate in a gem-patch. the wiimote has also (besides the ir-cam) three accelerometers, one for each dimension. with some math you can calculate the pitch and roll angle of the wiimote from the three accelerometer values. i used pitch and roll angles to change the viewing direction of the camera. further i used the "steering cross" (don't know how it is called correctly) to change the viewpoint of the camera.
i put an example patch online [2] (it is a stripped down patch of my last project, that is why it is not that much cleaned and well organized). it requires Gem and my vector_abs collection [3]. probably many stuff in that patch could be done in a simpler way, but i made it before knowing about the object [gemlist_info]. however, it probably gives you an idea.
[1]http://mikewoz.com/index.php?page=pd-stuff [2]http://www.romanhaefeli.net/software/pd/wiimote_navigation_example.pd [3]http://www.romanhaefeli.net/software/pd/vector_abs.tar.gz
On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 20:55 -0700, punchik punchik wrote:
hi, i would like to use my new wimote with puredata , for controlling the point of view of the camera in a gem patch. Do anybody have tried this before? is there any patch that somebody can share? if not... which external do i need in order to use wimote and pd?
i have a last question..Do i need that infrarred light for controlling 3d rotation with the wiimote?
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games. _______________________________________________ PD-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
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