I am also using M-Audio (MIDIMAN) USB MIDISport 1x1 with PD and it works fine, I didn't have any problem so far
i was using http://www.m-audio.de/overview.htm#MIDI = worked.
Christian Klotz schrieb:
hi everybody, I was just wondering which usb-midi device would be the best for working together with pd (on os x). does anybody has any experience? would the teleo stuff, which is quite often used in combination with max/msp, also work with pd or are there better solutions for this case? regards, christian
M.Koray Tahiroglu DA student/researcher Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki, TaiK Hameentie 135C 00560 Helsinki Finland http://mlab.uiah.fi/~korayt/ tel: +358 40 754 8449 fax: +358 9 75630 555