hi list,
i am trying to send a value from pd to a php page.
i am using an udp connection vie netsend to fsockopen().
pd connects, but disconnects after a value was sent.
the problem is probably on the php side, so this might not be the
right list for this question. my apologies.
Alexandre Quessy has written a pear/php bridge which i didn't try
because it might be way more than what i need (or not?)
thanks, max
Max Neupert a écrit :
hi list,
i am trying to send a value from pd to a php page. i am using an udp connection vie netsend to fsockopen().
Hello, there is a php class for that:
The end of the file have to be modified, I've tested it once it's more stable than netsend.
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Patco a écrit :
Max Neupert a écrit :
hi list,
i am trying to send a value from pd to a php page. i am using an udp connection vie netsend to fsockopen().
Hello, there is a php class for that:
The end of the file have to be modified, I've tested it once it's more stable than netsend.
attached is the modified php file Patco.
merci patco,
i have a hard time to spot your modifications in the semi-human-
readable php code without line breaks. could you paste it formatted
or just the changes?
thank you.
Am 07.10.2006 um 03:27 schrieb Patco:
Patco a écrit :
Max Neupert a écrit :
hi list,
i am trying to send a value from pd to a php page. i am using an udp connection vie netsend to fsockopen().
Hello, there is a php class for that: http://www.a2hd.com/software/OSC.phps The end of the file have to be modified, I've tested it once it's
more stable than netsend.attached is the modified php file Patco.
- Copyright 2003 * * Version 0.1 * * Requirements: PHP 4.1.0 or
later. * For information about Open Sound Control, * see http:// cnmat.berkeley.edu/OSC * * This is free software. * It may contain
bugs, design flaws or other unforseeable problems. * Please feel
free to report problems (or success stories) to the author. * *
License: LGPL version 2.1 or later. * * This library is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the
terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or
Public License for more details. * * You should have received a
copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this
library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * For
questions regarding this library contact * Andy W. Schmeder */ //
Test if this machine is a little endian architecture function
test_little_endian() { $cpu_int = pack("L", 1); // Machine
dependent $be_int = pack("N", 1); // Machine independent if($cpu_int [0] == $be_int[0]) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } //
Test if this machine uses twos complement representation function
test_twos_complement() { $cpu_int = pack("i", -1); // Machine
dependent if(ord($cpu_int[0]) == 255) { return TRUE; } else
{ return FALSE; } } // Take note of the configuration for this
machine. $_arch_little_endian = test_little_endian();
$_arch_twos_complement = test_twos_complement(); if(!
$_arch_twos_complement) { trigger_error("WARNING: This machine does
not use twos-complement integers. " . "Negative numbers may not be
represented correctly.", E_USER_NOTICE); } /** This is a utility
function to convert from CPU byte order to network order (big
endian). * * It is necessary to use this function because PHP's pack () function does not support * big endian encoding for most data
types. (It only does big endian for unsigned ints). */ function
host_to_network_order($str) { global $_arch_little_endian; if ($_arch_little_endian) { $swstr = ""; for($i = 0; $i < strlen ($str); $i++) { $swstr .= $str[(strlen($str)-1)-$i]; } return
$swstr; } else { // No conversion necessary for big-endian arch
return $str; } } /** OSCDatagram is a virtual base class for
OSCMessage and OSCBundle. */ class OSCDatagram { // Virtual private
data var $bin = NULL; var $data = NULL; // Virtual functions
function get_binary() {} function clear() {} // Shared functions / ** Returns a semi-human readable representation of the binary data.
- Printable bytes will appear as "_C" where C is the printable
character. * Non-printable bytes will appear in hex, e.g. '20' for
a space (\s) character * Bytes are clustered in groups of 4 to show
the alignment. */ function get_human_readable() { $bin = $this-get_binary(); $hex = ""; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($bin); $i++) { if
(ord($bin[$i]) >= 33 && ord($bin[$i]) <= 126) { // Printable
characters $hex .= "_" . chr(ord($bin[$i])); } else { $hex .=
sprintf("%02x", ord($bin[$i])); } if($i != 0 && $i < strlen($bin)
&& ($i+1) % 4 == 0) { $hex .= " "; } } return $hex . "\n"; } /**
Pack data into $this->bin as 4-byte aligned, network-byte order. */
function pack_data($data, $type_hint) { $bin = ""; switch ($type_hint) { case "T": case "F": case "N": case "I": return; //
These types have no allocated space case "A": foreach($data as
$arg) { $this->pack_data($arg[0], $arg[1]); } break; case "s":
$data .= "\0"; // The builtin \0 terminator is ignored... we must
explicitly request one. $bin = pack("a*" . $this->get_strpad ($data), $data); break; case "b": $this->pack_data(strlen($data-bin), "i"); $bin = pack("a*" . $this->get_strpad($data->bin),
$data->bin); break; case "i": $bin = host_to_network_order(pack ("i", $data)); // Machine-independent size (4-bytes) break; case
"f": $bin = host_to_network_order(pack("f", $data)); // Machine- dependent size if(strlen($bin) != 4) { $this->error("Sorry, your
machine uses an unsupported single-precision floating point
size."); } break; case "d": $bin = host_to_network_order(pack("d",
$data)); // Machine-dependent size if(strlen($bin) != 8) { $this-error("Sorry, your machine uses an unsupported double-precision
floating point size."); } break; case "t": if(is_null($data))
{ $data = array(0, 1); } $bin = host_to_network_order(pack("L",
$data->sec)) . host_to_network_order(pack("L", $data->frac_sec));
break; } if(strlen($bin) % 4 != 0) { $this->error("$data failed to
align properly, size is " . strlen($bin) . " bytes."); } $this-bin .= $bin; } /** Utility to generate padding for strings */
function get_strpad($str) { $x = (strlen($str)) % 4; if($x == 0)
{ return ''; } else { $x = 4 - $x; } switch($x) { case 1: return
'x'; case 2: return 'xx'; case 3: return 'xxx'; default: $this-error("Pad calculation is screwy, x = $x"); } } /** Report an
error */ function error($message) { trigger_error("OSCDatagram
Error: $message", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** OSCMessage type */ class
OSCMessage extends OSCDatagram { var $address = "/"; var
$typetags = ","; var $data = array(); /** Make a new message -
Optionally specify address and arguements. * * e.g. $a = new
OSCMessage("/foo", array(1, 2.94, "bar")) * It is not possible to
provide type-hinting using this initialization method. */ function
OSCMessage($address = NULL, $args = NULL) { if(! is_null($address))
{ $this->address = $address; } if(is_array($args)) { foreach($args
as $arg) { $this->add_arg($arg); } } } /** Reset internal data
structures */ function clear() { $this->address = "/"; $this-typetags = ","; $this->data = array(); $this->bin = NULL; } /**
Set packet address * e.g. "/test". * See OSC spec for details on
allowed characters in an OSC address. */ function set_address ($addr) { $this->bin = NULL; $this->address = $addr; } /** Add an
arg to the OSC message. * $data can be an integer, float, string,
boolean, NULL, or an array of those types. * $type-hint is
optional. */ function add_arg($data, $type_hint = NULL) { $this-bin = NULL; if($type_hint == NULL) { $type_hint = $this->get_type
($data); } $data = $this->set_type($data, $type_hint); array_push ($this->data, array($data, $type_hint)); } /** Try to guess the
type of data. * If this does not work for you, try using a type- hint. */ function get_type($data) { switch(gettype($data)) { case
"integer": return "i"; case "double": case "float": return "f";
case "string": return "s"; case "boolean": if($data) { return
"T"; } else { return "F"; } case "array": // Array type will be
handled later... 'A' is not actually an OSC type. return "A"; case
"object": switch(strtolower(get_class($data))) { case "infinitum":
return "I"; case "timetag": return "t"; case "blob": return "b";
default: $this->error("Unknown or unsupported object type."); }
case "NULL": return "N"; default: $this->error("Unknown or
unsupported data type."); } } /** Cast data to type, and add type
info to typetags. */ function set_type($data, $type_tag) { switch ($type_tag) { case "i": $this->typetags .= "i"; return (int)$data;
case "f"; $this->typetags .= "f"; return (double)$data; case "d";
$this->typetags .= "d"; return (double)$data; case "s": case "c":
$this->typetags .= "s"; return (string)$data; case "T": $this-typetags .= "T"; return TRUE; case "F": $this->typetags .= "F";
return FALSE; case "N": $this->typetags .= "N"; return NULL; case
"I": $this->typetags .= "I"; return $data; case "t": $this-typetags .= "t"; return $data; case "b": $this->typetags .= "b";
return $data; case "A": // Array is now expanded... $this-
typetags .= "["; $data = (array)$data; for($i = 0; $i < count
($data); $i++) { $type_tag = $this->get_type($data[$i]); $data[$i]
= array($this->set_type($data[$i], $type_tag), $type_tag); } $this-typetags .= "]"; return $data; default: trigger_error
("Unrecognized type tag, '$type_tag'", E_USER_ERROR); } } function
get_binary() { // Check for cached binary representation and reuse
if found. if(! is_null($this->bin)) { return $this->bin; } // Pack
address... $this->pack_data($this->address, "s"); // Pack
typetags... $this->pack_data($this->typetags, "s"); // Pack args...
foreach($this->data as $arg) { $this->pack_data($arg[0], $arg [1]); } return $this->bin; } } /** OSCBundle datagram type * This
object can contain any number of other OSCDatagram objects. */
class OSCBundle extends OSCDatagram { var $data = array(); var
$timetag = NULL; /** Create a new OSCBundle datagram * * $init may
be an array of OSCDatagram objects, * e.g. $b = new OSCBundle(new
OSCMessage(...), new OSCBundle(...)) * * Otherwise, add messages at
runtime using OSCBundle::add_datagram. */ function OSCBundle($init
= NULL) { if(is_array($init)) { foreach($init as $d) { $this-add_datagram($d); } } } /** Set time tag as whole seconds since
July 1, 1970, and fraction of a second. * This feature is not
tested, but it should work if you need it. * * If timetag is not
set, it will default to "Immediate". */ function set_timetag ($timetag_obj) { $this->timetag = $timetag_obj; } /** Add an
OSCDatagram object to a bundle. * This can be either an OSCMessage
or an OSCBundle. * However, you cannot reasonably add a bundle to
itself. */ function add_datagram($osc_datagram) { $this->bin =
NULL; array_push($this->data, $osc_datagram); } function clear()
{ $this->bin = NULL; $this->data = NULL; } function get_binary()
{ if($this->bin != NULL) { return $this->bin; } $this->bin = "";
$this->pack_data("#bundle", "s"); $this->pack_data(NULL, "t");
foreach($this->data as $datagram) { $bin = $datagram->get_binary();
$this->pack_data((int)strlen($bin), "i"); $this->bin .= $bin; }
return $this->bin; } } /** OSCClient uses a connectionless UDP
socket to transmit binary to its destination. * * Example of use: *
- $c = new OSCClient(); * $c->set_destination("", 3890);
- $c->send(new OSCMessage("/foo", array(1,2,3))); * ... etc. * *
Since it is connectionless, you can change the destination address/ port at any time. * If you are having problems establishing
communication, it may be due to a bad address, * improper setup of
the IP routing table, or a problem on the other end. When in doubt,
- use tcpdump or ethereal to check that packets are indeed being
transmitted. */ class OSCClient { var $sock = NULL; var $address
= NULL; var $port = NULL; function OSCClient($address = NULL, $port
= NULL) { $this->address = $address; $this->port = $port; if(($this-sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { $this->error
("Could not create datagram socket."); } } /** Destructor function,
usually not needed, provided in case you want to free the socket.
*/ function destroy() { socket_close($this->sock); } /* // You can
enable this part if you have PHP 4.3.0 or later... function
enable_broadcast() { if(($ret = socket_set_option($this->sock,
SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1)) < 0) { $this->error ("Failed to enable broadcast option."); } } function
disable_broadcast() { if(($ret = socket_set_option($this->sock,
SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 0)) < 0) { $this->error("Failed to
disable broadcast option."); } } */ /** Address is an IP address,
given as a string. * To convert a hostname to IP, use gethostbyname ('www.example.com') * You must also specify a port as an integer,
typically $port is larger than 1024. */ function set_destination ($address, $port) { $this->address = $address; $this->port =
$port; } /** send() accepts either an OSCDatagram object or a
binary string */ function send($message) { if(is_null($this-address) || is_null($this->port)) { $this->error("Destination is
not well-defined. Please use OSCClient::set_destination()."); } if (is_object($message)) { $message = $message->get_binary(); } if (($ret = socket_sendto($this->sock, $message, strlen($message), 0,
$this->address, $this->port)) < 0) { $this->error("Transmission
failure."); } if($ret != strlen($message)) { $mlen = strlen ($message); $this->error("Could not send the entire message, only
$ret bytes were sent, of $mlen total"); } return $ret; } /** Report
a fatal error. */ function error($message) { trigger_error ("OSCClient Error: $message", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** Object to
represent the OSC Infinitum type ("I") */ class Infinitum { } /**
64-bit OSC timetag type, Refer to NTP format for details. */ / **class Timetag { function Timetag($sec = 0, $frac_sec = 1) { $this-sec = $sec; $this->frac_sec = $frac_sec; } }*/ /** Binary Blob
datatype * Blob is basically a non-null-terminated string prefixed
by a size indicator. */ class Blob { function Blob($bin) { $this-bin = $bin; } } /** Run some tests to make sure the library
behaves in a sane way. the modifications begins here replace
localhost with server's adress and put the correct port */ function
test_osc_lib() { $c = new OSCClient(); $c->set_destination ("localhost", 3333); /** $m1 = new OSCMessage("/test", array(new
Timetag(3294967295, 5), new Infinitum(), new Blob("aoeuaoeu!")));
$m1->add_arg(28658.93, "d"); */ $m2 = new OSCMessage("/bar", array (test, one, two)); $b = new OSCBundle(); $b->add_datagram($m1); $b-add_datagram($m2); $b2 = new OSCBundle(array($m1, $b)); //echo $b2- get_human_readable(); //echo $m1->get_human_readable(); $c- send($m2); } // Uncomment to run the test test_osc_lib(); ?>
Am 07.10.2006 um 03:20 schrieb Patco:
Max Neupert a écrit :
hi list, i am trying to send a value from pd to a php page. i am using an udp connection vie netsend to fsockopen().
Hello, there is a php class for that:
hi patco,
on this site i read:
Open Sound Control for PHP
A small PHP class which can format and send OSC messages. It has no
parsing capability, so it can only be used for uni-directional
so that would be unidirectional PHP -> OSC
what i try right now is opposite: PD -> PHP (because i am controlling
an networked google earth placemark with pd..)
so this will not really help, or does it?
The end of the file have to be modified, I've tested it once it's
more stable than netsend.