Hello list
Upgrading some old historical patches I wrote twenty five years ago (yeah, some of you were not born!) with having two instances of PD extended 32 bits communicating with each other, via {netsend} and {netreceive} objects.
The need was to send from one instance two the other a message in the classical form of a message with (label_name float float float …> structure It was done the following way in that time
{pack s f f f f f f} -> {l2s} -> (send $1> -> {netsend}
Make a package, convert in symbol, send to nestend via (send $1> argument of netsend
Then in the other instance {netreceive} -> {route label1 label2 …}. -> {send label1} {send label2} etc
Net receive output directly connected to route object with as argument any possible label Delivering as many send labelx objects further to the second pd instance
Route accepted this format receiving from pd32 bits. Doesn’t work anymore. I’ve red somewhere that the type of objects in pd was historically a bit awkward in the view of Miller concerning lists and messages. Red again the old manuals, didn’t get it really better than 25 years ago, saw that something has changed in the past concerning the send object :)
Could some one tell me what is the correct way to solve this basic and easy issue today, with a perfect style ? Need to have it work quickly :)
See patch below ! Thanking you JM
#N canvas 244 38 1124 706 12; #X obj 272 264 r outmess.local; #X msg 273 313 send $1; #X obj 275 360 s $0-localnetworkstatus; #X obj 274 337 netsend 1; #X obj 273 291 l2s; #X obj 90 277 r $0-dureemontee; #X obj 106 301 r $0-dureeplateau; #X obj 120 323 r $0-dureedescente; #X obj 57 204 r $0-vol; #X obj 53 226 t b f; #X obj 50 378 s outmess.local; #X obj 50 352 pack s f f f f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; #X msg 37 187 10; #X msg 51 251 notesalle; #X obj 485 256 netreceive 3000 1; #X obj 564 769 s notebips; #X obj 580 748 s rampdown; #X obj 597 725 s rampup; #X obj 613 701 s notevents_sl; #X obj 630 681 s notephone; #X obj 647 660 s notealarme; #X obj 663 639 s Bips; #X obj 680 616 s Phone; #X obj 697 594 s Alarme; #X obj 713 573 s Vents_sl; #X obj 730 550 s Poesies; #X obj 763 509 s Barre; #X obj 780 487 s notebarre; #X obj 797 467 s Cafe; #X obj 813 447 s notecafe; #X obj 830 426 s Cyber; #X obj 847 405 s notecyber; #X obj 863 385 s Salle; #X obj 882 363 s notesalle; #X obj 747 529 s notepoesie; #X obj 484 285 route notebips fade_out fade_in notevents_sl notephone notealarme Bips Phone Alarme Vents_sl Poesies notepoesie Barre notebarre Cafe notecafe Cyber notecyber Salle notesalle; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 1 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 11 2; #X connect 6 0 11 3; #X connect 7 0 11 4; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 9 1 11 1; #X connect 11 0 10 0; #X connect 12 0 9 0; #X connect 13 0 11 0; #X connect 14 0 35 0; #X connect 35 0 15 0; #X connect 35 1 16 0; #X connect 35 2 17 0; #X connect 35 3 18 0; #X connect 35 4 19 0; #X connect 35 5 20 0; #X connect 35 6 21 0; #X connect 35 7 22 0; #X connect 35 8 23 0; #X connect 35 9 24 0; #X connect 35 10 25 0; #X connect 35 11 34 0; #X connect 35 12 26 0; #X connect 35 13 27 0; #X connect 35 14 28 0; #X connect 35 15 29 0; #X connect 35 16 30 0; #X connect 35 17 31 0; #X connect 35 18 32 0; #X connect 35 19 33 0;
you should *not* convert the list to a symbol:
{l2s} -> (send $1>
you should send a list so that later [route] can do its job:
[pack 0 0 ....] | [list prepend send] | [netsend]
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
On 20/12/2022 03:00, Jean-Marie Adrien wrote:
Hello list
Upgrading some old historical patches I wrote_twenty five years ago_ (yeah, some of you were not born!) with having two instances of PD extended 32 bits communicating with each other, via {netsend} and {netreceive} objects.
The need was to send from one instance two the other a message in the classical form of a message with (label_name float float float …> structure It was done the following way in that time
{pack s f f f f f f} -> {l2s} -> (send $1> -> {netsend}
Make a package, convert in symbol, send to nestend via (send $1> argument of netsend
Then in the other instance {netreceive} -> {route label1 label2 …}. -> {send label1} {send label2} etc
Net receive output directly connected to route object with as argument any possible label Delivering as many send labelx objects further to the second pd instance
Route accepted this format receiving from pd32 bits. Doesn’t work anymore. I’ve red somewhere that the type of objects in pd was historically a bit awkward in the view of Miller concerning lists and messages. Red again the old manuals, didn’t get it really better than 25 years ago, saw that something has changed in the past concerning the send object :)
Could some one tell me what is the correct way to solve this basic and easy issue _today_, with a perfect style ? Need to have it work quickly :)
See patch below ! Thanking you JM
#N canvas 244 38 1124 706 12; #X obj 272 264 r outmess.local; #X msg 273 313 send $1; #X obj 275 360 s $0-localnetworkstatus; #X obj 274 337 netsend 1; #X obj 273 291 l2s; #X obj 90 277 r $0-dureemontee; #X obj 106 301 r $0-dureeplateau; #X obj 120 323 r $0-dureedescente; #X obj 57 204 r $0-vol; #X obj 53 226 t b f; #X obj 50 378 s outmess.local; #X obj 50 352 pack s f f f f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1; #X msg 37 187 10; #X msg 51 251 notesalle; #X obj 485 256 netreceive 3000 1; #X obj 564 769 s notebips; #X obj 580 748 s rampdown; #X obj 597 725 s rampup; #X obj 613 701 s notevents_sl; #X obj 630 681 s notephone; #X obj 647 660 s notealarme; #X obj 663 639 s Bips; #X obj 680 616 s Phone; #X obj 697 594 s Alarme; #X obj 713 573 s Vents_sl; #X obj 730 550 s Poesies; #X obj 763 509 s Barre; #X obj 780 487 s notebarre; #X obj 797 467 s Cafe; #X obj 813 447 s notecafe; #X obj 830 426 s Cyber; #X obj 847 405 s notecyber; #X obj 863 385 s Salle; #X obj 882 363 s notesalle; #X obj 747 529 s notepoesie; #X obj 484 285 route notebips fade_out fade_in notevents_sl notephone notealarme Bips Phone Alarme Vents_sl Poesies notepoesie Barre notebarre Cafe notecafe Cyber notecyber Salle notesalle; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 1 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 4 0 1 0; #X connect 5 0 11 2; #X connect 6 0 11 3; #X connect 7 0 11 4; #X connect 8 0 9 0; #X connect 9 0 13 0; #X connect 9 1 11 1; #X connect 11 0 10 0; #X connect 12 0 9 0; #X connect 13 0 11 0; #X connect 14 0 35 0; #X connect 35 0 15 0; #X connect 35 1 16 0; #X connect 35 2 17 0; #X connect 35 3 18 0; #X connect 35 4 19 0; #X connect 35 5 20 0; #X connect 35 6 21 0; #X connect 35 7 22 0; #X connect 35 8 23 0; #X connect 35 9 24 0; #X connect 35 10 25 0; #X connect 35 11 34 0; #X connect 35 12 26 0; #X connect 35 13 27 0; #X connect 35 14 28 0; #X connect 35 15 29 0; #X connect 35 16 30 0; #X connect 35 17 31 0; #X connect 35 18 32 0; #X connect 35 19 33 0;
Pd-list@lists.iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> https://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
On 12/20/22 08:10, Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
you should *not* convert the list to a symbol:
totally. [l2s] just adds a lot of overhead, for no benefit.
you should send a list so that later [route] can do its job:
[pack 0 0 ....] | [list prepend send] | [netsend]
that should read
| [list prepend send] | [list trim] | [netsend]
apart from that, i totally agree with lucas.
gfasdmr IOhannes
On Tue, 2022-12-20 at 10:43 +0100, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 12/20/22 08:10, Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
you should *not* convert the list to a symbol:
totally. [l2s] just adds a lot of overhead, for no benefit.
The reason it used to work even with [l2s] is unrelated to 32bit vs. 64bit. Earlier versions of Pd didn't escape spaces in symbol atoms, so when the symbol got out of Pd, i.e. written to file or sent through network, the symbol containing spaces became a list of symbol atoms.