hi all,
I was wondering, if it's possible to remove the menubar from pd patch widnow (using tot external), then maybe there is some way the remove scrollbars too?
If so, how can this be done?
take a look at toxy, there is an example patch that does get rid of the menu, i dont know about the scrollbars though -josh
Bartlomiej Bazior wrote:
hi all,
I was wondering, if it's possible to remove the menubar from pd patch widnow (using tot external), then maybe there is some way the remove scrollbars too?
If so, how can this be done?
since the scrollbars are updated constantly, due to a (temporary?) hack in the Pd gui implementation, you cannot destroy them without inventing a counter-hack. However, you can make them invisible, by sending some message to a [tot], like
'tot .^.scrollvert conf -width 0 .: .^.scrollhort conf -width 0'
(scrollbar borders may remain still, though?)
Bartlomiej Bazior wrote: ...
I was wondering, if it's possible to remove the menubar from pd patch widnow (using tot external), then maybe there is some way the remove scrollbars too?
since the scrollbars are updated constantly, due to a (temporary?) hack in the Pd gui implementation, you cannot destroy them without inventing a counter-hack. However, you can make them invisible, by sending some message to a [tot], like
'tot .^.scrollvert conf -width 0 .: .^.scrollhort conf -width 0'
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for Your help!
cheers, Bart