I'm using both a plist file as well as a .pdrc file (i like the .pdrc
file because i can easily copy it to other machines that i'm running
pd on).
Assuming that you have x11 installed and pdp/pidip somewhere like /usr/local/lib/pd/pdp_pidip_osx
When you include the paths in step 5 of http://ydegoyon.free.fr/INSTALL_NOTES.txt of your .pdrc, what goes wrong?
Best, p
On Jan 1, 2006, at 7:21 PM, husk00 wrote:
On Jan 1, 2006, at 6:12 PM, Paris Treantafeles wrote:
Personally, I think ~/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd.plist is
easier to copy since its not hidden. The .pdrc is hidden by Mac OS X
by default.
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