Steffen Juul wrote:
"Other then Hard Off's solution i believe one could either make sure
the slices are zero-crossing (that the endpoint that the end points
are 0 (or at-least the same value)) or to interpolate between the
endpoints of the slices."
Does anybody know of a way to achieve this? If so, I would really appreciate some guidance...
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Steffen Juul wrote:
"Other then Hard Off's solution i believe one could either make sure the slices are zero-crossing (that the endpoint that the end points are 0 (or at-least the same value)) or to interpolate between the endpoints of the slices."
Making sure that slices are zero crossing won't resolve the clicking problem, for example if the tempo is increased, unless the slices are stretched or pitched to always have the good lenght when the tempo is moving.
One solution would be about using two tabreader~ or tabplay~ or tabreadmix~, and alternate the slices reading with still using the crossfade solution for avoiding accidental dynamic increases.