I tried to build a frequencies analyser with 4 [bp~], and test the volume out. WHen I try with a simple [osc~ 440], the result is not enough nice.
see it, a patch and an abstraction : http://impala.utopia.free.fr/pd/patchs/frequencies_analyser.zip
Is there an another way to split frequence in 4 or 5 regions ?
I read:
I tried to build a frequencies analyser with 4 [bp~], and test the volume out. WHen I try with a simple [osc~ 440], the result is not enough nice.
hmmm ... what's the point in splitting a single [co]sinewave ?
Is there an another way to split frequence in 4 or 5 regions ?
[fft~] ?
I also did an equalizer that works quite well and could easily be extended: http://test.pilot.fm/pd/patches/abstractions/x-equ~.pd (if that's what you are after)