Somehow this sounds familiar, ... Anyone tried it already ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 09:39:53 +0900 From: Takayuki Rai To: jMax Subject: [jmax] DIPS available
At last the DIPS, "Digital Image Processing with Sound" is released under GPL. To download the DIPS, please access;
You may find two downloadable files and also README; for Mac OS X (version 1.0.0) jMax-DIPS i686-binary package for Linux (version 1.0.0)
The DIPS, "Digital Image Processing with Sound", is the set of Max objects that handles the real-time visual image processing events and the OpenGL functions in the jMax GUI programming environment. It enables the interaction between audio events and visual events in the Max patch, thus strongly supports composers and artists to realize the real-time interactive multimedia art.
The DIPS objects include more than a hundred OpenGL functions, VideoIn and QuickTime objects, various video effect objects, movie file handling objects, 3D model and particle handling objects, and so on. Since it doesn't need to be compiled we can work heuristically in real-time.
Takayuki Rai
jMax mailing list
Didn't work on my OS X: "jMax server connection lost" on any attempt to load an example/tutorial.
Better luck anyone?
Somehow this sounds familiar, ... Anyone tried it already ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Takayuki Rai To: jMax
- Short Introduction of the DIPS:
The DIPS, "Digital Image Processing with Sound", is the set of Max objects that handles the real-time visual image processing events and the OpenGL
lots of crashes on linux too... especially when you try to open a second example ... the first one is ok and next one crashes.
Juha Vehvila"inen wrote:
Didn't work on my OS X: "jMax server connection lost" on any attempt to load an example/tutorial.
Better luck anyone?
Somehow this sounds familiar, ... Anyone tried it already ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Takayuki Rai To: jMax
- Short Introduction of the DIPS:
The DIPS, "Digital Image Processing with Sound", is the set of Max objects that handles the real-time visual image processing events and the OpenGL
Didn't work on my OS X: "jMax server connection lost" on any attempt to load an example/tutorial.
Better luck anyone?
i got it working on OSX (10.1.5). do you have a .jmaxrc in your ~ directory? i've included mine below, which works with DIPS. the package looks pretty similar to GEM, but seems to require more than a passing knowledge of openGL programming. i haven't had much time to really check more than the example patches...
set jmaxHostType macosx
when start { dataDirectory /System jmaxSetSampleRate 44100 jmaxSetAudioBuffer 4096 package require DIPS defaultAudio halaudioport }
Somehow this sounds familiar, ... Anyone tried it already ?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Takayuki Rai To: jMax
- Short Introduction of the DIPS:
The DIPS, "Digital Image Processing with Sound", is the set of Max objects that handles the real-time visual image processing events and the OpenGL