Hi ,
I am currently trying to write Android program to be able to track beats/tempo using this PD-aubio + PD and PD-for-android program. I was using PD-for-Android code (I modified to use fiddle~) for doing beat detection but it was not very useful, so I want to use aubio for this purpose.https://github.com/libpd/pd-for-android Looking at the code on below link or pd-aubio webpage unfortunately I couldn't figure out way to make it work with PD on windows and PD-for-Androidhttps://github.com/piem/pd-aubio I tried multiple ways to build aubio and PD-aubio but without any success. I am a technical person but not too familiar with libraty creation/linking or JNI for that matter. What I want to do is this
Unfortunately just getting basic pd-aubio compillation has been difficult on windows. I tried detailed instructions by middlepedal on this linkhttp://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/967/problem-compiling-external-on-window... and it works for helloworld but not for PD-Aubio. If you can help me with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do it, I would really appreciate it. Thanks,Vijay