You should be developing Pd in Ireland! Its the middle of the Summer and tempatures haven't risen above 15 degrees yet! anyway, do you think that there would be enough common code amoung all the different externs to render this a usefull plan of action? It certainly sounds like it would ease the work load of the developers?
brrrr...., better turn up the heating!
--- Krzysztof Czaja wrote: > hi all,
it is so hot here, thinking is so hard and painful... are there cooler places on earth, where pd-dev people live?
...say, we have 150 classes using some amount of a common code. The size of this common code is rather small -- close to the average size of one class' code, or possibly 2 or 3 classes. Some of the options are:
- All classes, and the common code, are statically
linked in a one monolithic library.
- Each class is kept as a separate external, linked
with the common code (which means: there are as many common code copies, as the number of externals containing it, and loaded during a Pd session).
- The common code is linked dynamically, and it has
to be loaded prior to any of the classes (using an explicit -lib option).
- Class names are prefixed with a library name,
causing Pd to load the library with both the common code, and the classes (a feature not yet available, but already discussed on pd-list).
- Like 4., but the library contains only the common
code -- its setup routine has to know what particular class is demanded, and how to load it.
- Each class uses a tiny ``stub code'', possibly a
part of a future Pd api, which somehow checks if the common code is already loaded (currently it might be done by checking if something 'familiar' is bound to a particular symbol). If not, it loads the library, and obtains a set of pointers to the functions in the common code.
Are there other options? Which option is best?
Btw, perhaps due to my mind melting in the heat, I somehow tend to like the method 6 (if only it was a part of Pd api...)
Btw, options 4/5 cannot be applied in case of the cyclone library. They might be in case of xeq or vexing (currently both are using a modified version of the first method, while a cyclone user has to choose between options 1 and 2).
Btw, there are not as many classes in cyclone (yet:-?) just a bit over 40, but it keeps growing...
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