andy graybeal 02.04.05 21.15 >>>
the only way i can get a graph readout of what [equalizer] and [biquad~]
do now is if i use filtergraph.pd (i forget who wrote it).. but it
an easy way to see the amplitude and phase response of a filter (and of every linear, time invariant system) is shown in the attached file filterplot_biquad.pd. It s using the [fft~] of the impulse response of the filter, you can see the impulse response in the (resizable) array response. (The impulse response is what you were drawing in using [FIR~].) You can also play around with [biquad~] by setting the pole and zero positions of the biquad filter. (The adjusted zeros and poles both have an conjugate complex counterpart, i.e. the same value but with negative imaginary part.)
HTH a bit Bernhard