Hi List...
I have a patch that drives the cpu-load up
Wha do you think is the most common source for that ??
How should i pin down the malicious circuit/external or whatevr it is..
It seems not to be related to Audio-Processing
Luigi Rensinghoff luigi.rensinghoff@freenet.de skype:gigischinke ichat:gigicarlo
Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
Hi List...
I have a patch that drives the cpu-load up
Wha do you think is the most common source for that ??
streams of messages (i often find that people just send tons of statechanges triggering all kind of superfluous calculations, while they really are just interested in the "settled" state) vline~ naive search implementations, denormals, memory allocation,...
How should i pin down the malicious circuit/external or whatevr it is..
hmm... try to find out when problems occur (do you have constant load? spikes? is the CPU load growing while the patch is running?) what does this tell you regarding your program logic? try to disable parts of the patch (by deleting it). does the problem go away? try to narrow down the culprit. use [print] for debugging rather than the numberbox (nbx will not tell you if a number changes 10000 times per tick)
use a profiler (e.g. valgrind, shark,...)
It seems not to be related to Audio-Processing
even with audio turned off, [vline~] has a known bug (fixed by claude, but i don't know whether this has already made it into Pd) that would start eating CPU if you keep sending it messages. there might be other objects that have similar problems (that is audio-objects that start eating CPU without dsp-on)
fgmasdr IOhannes
Actually the problem disappeared...
Just in case it appears again i have some more questions...
Am 13.06.2008 um 13:50 schrieb IOhannes m zmoelnig:
Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
Hi List...
I have a patch that drives the cpu-load up
Wha do you think is the most common source for that ??
streams of messages (i often find that people just send tons of statechanges triggering all kind of superfluous calculations, while
they really are just interested in the "settled" state) vline~
naive search implementations, denormals, memory allocation,...
Could you explain that a little more ??? denormals, memory allocation ??
How should i pin down the malicious circuit/external or whatevr it
is..hmm... try to find out when problems occur (do you have constant load?
spikes? is the CPU load growing while the patch is running?) what does this
tell you regarding your program logic? try to disable parts of the patch (by deleting it). does the
problem go away? try to narrow down the culprit. use [print] for debugging rather than the numberbox (nbx will not tell you if a number changes 10000 times per tick)use a profiler (e.g. valgrind, shark,...)
What is that ???
It seems not to be related to Audio-Processing
even with audio turned off, [vline~] has a known bug (fixed by claude, but i don't know whether this has already made it into Pd) that would start eating CPU if you keep sending it messages. there might be other objects that have similar problems (that is audio-objects that start eating CPU without dsp-on)
it could have been that actually....i realized it was behaving very
strange and replaced it ....
fgmasdr IOhannes
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Luigi Rensinghoff luigi.rensinghoff@freenet.de skype:gigischinke ichat:gigicarlo
On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 02:02 +0200, Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
Could you explain that a little more ??? denormals, memory allocation ??
denormals: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormal computing denormal numbers is more expensive than normal numbers. this effect is dependent on cpu type (and architecture?).
memory allocation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_allocation
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Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
use a profiler (e.g. valgrind, shark,...)
What is that ???
to keep in line with roman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profiler_%28computer_science%29
fmgasd.r IOhannes