hey everybody.
i'd just like to bring up one of my old gripes about pd. the latency on os x won't go below 12ms without breaking up. i can get down to 4ms with max or reaktor. and i looked into port audio and they say that ultra-low latency is supported for os x port audio.
i've got a 17" poerbook 1ghz, 1gb ram, motu828mkII
anyone have any ideas?
i'd also like to offer my moral support (i'm not really a dsp programmer) to tim on his quest for a threaded soundfiler.
/* Matt Nish-Lapidus
www.mn-l.com // www.nishlapidus.com matt@ekran.org // matt@mn-l.com // mattn-l@rogers.com
"What's this fish doing in my ear?" */