I've finally managed to make a simple J2me based client (for Java supporting cellphones) that connects to my PANSE project ( It's actually little more than a novelty right now but as I'm rather new to this stuff I want to share it with others and see what sort of things others may be able to do with it. Also, my phone doesn't support Java so I haven't actually tested this on a real phone and would appreciate hearing from people who can run this on an actual phone. I've only tried it on the emulator that comes with the J2me wireless toolkit.
What it does is make a connection to the PANSE server and then plays the values it receives as tones on the phone (yeah! live audio on your cellphone!). If you try it out while sitting at your computer you can actually play around with some of the interfaces at the PANSE site and you will hear the changes to the audio on your phone. So anyway, it can be installed via OTA at or if you want to look at the code and mess around with it, you can download the whole package at
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