Hi list,
Has somebody used the two HDMI outs from PD to play two videos on two different screens?
I am finding infos from people doing it with omxplayer, but I need it synced and looped. Or are there any other Linux video players that can sync two streams on two different monitors?
Sure, VLC. Render into one file next to each other and use the tile option with 2x1 setup. Best, Popesz
On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 11:23 AM Simon Iten itensimon@gmail.com wrote:
how about you just use xrandr to setup two monitors, and then 2x [gemhead] with [pix_film]
On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 12:45 PM Csaba Láng langcsaba@gmail.com wrote:
check this :
it is a good base for network use but as i see it could be used on two local instances of omx-daemon.
i didn't try it. please keep me informed if it works for you.
have a nice day .
Le mar. 30 nov. 2021 à 13:01, Bastiaan van den Berg buzz@spacedout.nl a écrit :
You might want to look at xjadeo and use two instances perhaps (untested).
On 30.11.21 11:13, Simon Iten wrote:
You can sync and loop with omxplayer with multiple Rpis. I did this 5 years ago and documented the setup here: https://www.uni-weimar.de/kunst-und-gestaltung/wiki/Automation/RaspberryPi things might have change since and there was no Rpi4 with two monitors. Why not make a large movie spanning both screens?