excuse me if this has been asked before, but is there something like a vline for messages? thanks!
If you mean to use the syntax of vline like [1 100, 0 50 100 ( to schedule lines to happen and etc, you can do this in a similar way using a combination of [pipe f f 0] and line. But note that you are forced to put the delay of the first message to zero, for that trick to work, so instead of [1 100, 0 50 100 (you need to use [1 100 0, 0 50 100 (, and if you want to jump to a start value, you also need to explicitly give time 0 and delay 0, so for example [0 0 0, 1 1000 0, 0.3 300 1000, 0 2000 2000( would first jump to zero before doing the rest. And if you want to restart the line in the middle (before it ended), pipe may have scheduled messages waiting, so you may also want to clear them doing [clear, 0 0 0, 1 1000 0, 0.3 300 1000, 0 2000 2000(
see the file for an example, it does the job, just a bit more verbose to achieve the way that vline works
Em qui., 20 de jan. de 2022 às 11:21, Peter P. peterparker@fastmail.com escreveu:
excuse me if this has been asked before, but is there something like a vline for messages? thanks!
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