hi all,
is there a possibility to create a textfile containing commas?
that means, somehow a "add xxx," message should be sent into "textfile".
any help? thanks a lot.
best mirko
Hi mirko,
See textfile-help.pd
Is this what you mean?
[add add xxx( | [textfile]
If you want a comma in the textfile, I don't think there's a way to do that.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mirko Maier mirkom@gmx.de To: pd-list@iem.at Cc: Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 11:56 AM Subject: [PD] comma into a textfile
hi all,
is there a possibility to create a textfile containing commas?
that means, somehow a "add xxx," message should be sent into "textfile".
any help? thanks a lot.
best mirko -- Empfehlen Sie GMX DSL Ihren Freunden und Bekannten und wir belohnen Sie mit bis zu 50,- Euro! https://freundschaftswerbung.gmx.de
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Le 25/06/2012 19:26, Jonathan Wilkes a écrit :
Hi mirko,
See textfile-help.pd
Is this what you mean?
[add add xxx( | [textfile]
If you want a comma in the textfile, I don't think there's a way to do that.
Maybe, something like that ? :
[44( | [makefilename %c] | [add hello$1 world, rewind, bang( | [textfile] | [print]
----- Original Message -----
From: Mirko Maier mirkom@gmx.de To: pd-list@iem.at Cc: Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 11:56 AM Subject: [PD] comma into a textfile
hi all,
is there a possibility to create a textfile containing commas?
that means, somehow a "add xxx," message should be sent into "textfile".
any help? thanks a lot.
best mirko -- Empfehlen Sie GMX DSL Ihren Freunden und Bekannten und wir belohnen Sie mit bis zu 50,- Euro! https://freundschaftswerbung.gmx.de
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
Not sure it will help you but I've done a script in bash + patch to get comma in textfile http://yamatierea.org/papatchs/#textavirgule
Le 25.06.2012 17:56, Mirko Maier a écrit :
hi all,
is there a possibility to create a textfile containing commas?
that means, somehow a "add xxx," message should be sent into "textfile".
any help? thanks a lot.
best mirko