hi List
. .if got a problem with open a abstaction in with pd msg ceated window . . ..
i createa new window with:
; pd filename $1 ./; #N canvas; #X pop 1;
normal objects i create with opj x y name args
now i want to open a exsisting patch . . .(manualy generated pd can oben the patch cause it is in a search path)
. . . dos anyone now the syntax or this . . .?
thanx nos
; pd open patch name.pd ./path;
a list of pd message is at :
(old but still lot's of usefull informations)
noskule wrote:
hi List
. .if got a problem with open a abstaction in with pd msg ceated window . . ..
i createa new window with:
; pd filename $1 ./; #N canvas; #X pop 1;
normal objects i create with opj x y name args
now i want to open a exsisting patch . . .(manualy generated pd can oben the patch cause it is in a search path)
. . . dos anyone now the syntax or this . . .?
thanx nos