hello, I experience a strange problem I can not understand.
for (pmpd) development purpose, I don't want to install it from deken, but use my local build.
binary are in ~/pd/git/pd-pmpd/build help files are in ~/pd/git/pd-pmpd
when I start : pd -noprefs -path ~/pd/git/pd-pmpd/build/ -path ~/pd/git/pd-pmpd
everything is fine.
but it did not work as expected using pdsettings.
I remove the preference file for test purpose, to start with an empty file. I added the 2 paths. My preference file now is :
audioapi: 1 noaudioin: False audioindev1: 0 2 audioindevname1: sof-hda-dsp (hardware) noaudioout: False audiooutdev1: 0 2 audiooutdevname1: sof-hda-dsp (hardware) audiobuf: 25 rate: 44100 callback: 0 audioblocksize: 64 midiapi: 0 nomidiin: True nomidiout: True path1: /home/chnry/pd/git/pd-pmpd/build path2: /home/chnry/pd/git/pd-pmpd npath: 2 standardpath: 1 verbose: 1 nloadlib: 0 defeatrt: 0 flags: zoom: 1 loading: no
My problem is that the help file is not find :
tried /home/chnry/pd/git/pd-pmpd/build/pmpd.linux-amd64-32.so and succeeded tried /home/chnry/pd/git/pd-pmpd/build/pmpd-help.pd and failed tried /usr/local/lib/pd/doc/5.reference/pmpd-help.pd and failed tried /home/chnry/.local/lib/pd/extra/pmpd-help.pd and failed tried /home/chnry/pd-externals/pmpd-help.pd and failed tried /usr/local/lib/pd-externals/pmpd-help.pd and failed tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/pmpd-help.pd and failed tried /home/chnry/pd/git/pd-pmpd/build/help-pmpd.pd and failed tried /usr/local/lib/pd/doc/5.reference/help-pmpd.pd and failed tried /home/chnry/.local/lib/pd/extra/help-pmpd.pd and failed tried /home/chnry/pd-externals/help-pmpd.pd and failed tried /usr/local/lib/pd-externals/help-pmpd.pd and failed tried /usr/local/lib/pd/extra/help-pmpd.pd and failed sorry, couldn't find help patch for "pmpd"
pd search only in the binary path, and in other standard paths, but not in the path declared
the solution is to add in pdsettings : flags: -path ~/pd/git/pd-pmpd
I understand that having binary and help file in different path is not expected, but why do pd behave differently using path in .pdsettings, than using path in startup flag ? Is that expected, or is it a bug?
pd 0.54.1, compiled from source, ubuntu linux
cheers c