I'm trying to build a live sample looper, as is often seen in guitar loop stations or loop pedals. I need it to record a sample to memory and then loop it back as soon as the recording is finished.
I'm able to use [tabwrite~] with [else/table~] to get close, but I don't know how to set resize a table as it's being written to (or if that's possible). I might be able to start with an oversized buffer and then use [timer] to resize afterwards, but this seems less than ideal since I would have to choose a maximum size and then start all tables out with that size.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Sorry, forgot to send to the hole list:
Hello Joey,
I usual do the oversized buffer method. That way you can change how much you read very fast.
If you resize (increase) the buffer "live", the sound may glitch.
On Thu, 24 Oct 2019 at 16:38, Joey Dodson joey.dodson3@gmail.com wrote:
So it sounds like the oversized buffer method is the only way to go then. Is that right?
On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 10:20 AM IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
That's it. RAM is cheap, time is not !
Le jeu. 24 oct. 2019 à 21:17, Joey Dodson joey.dodson3@gmail.com a écrit :