Hi list, I need to store a collection of list of floats, exactly as with the Max object "coll". As with the Max object "coll", I would need an index in order to read a chosen list in the future. Does this possibility exist within pd-world ? Thanks for your help.
François Bardet 10 place Thomas F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand 0033 4 73 92 50 80
Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr
Hallo, f.bardet@voila.fr hat gesagt: // f.bardet@voila.fr wrote:
There are various approaches. One is to use the coll external in the CVS, which is probably, what you want to use if you are comfortable with coll. Another is the pool external or Georg's containers or some programming language external like pyext. A pure internal solution could be to store indexes to tables somehow.
You'd need to know how many lists you want to store, and then create tables like
table 1-list table 2-list table 3-list ...
Then you can access them by
floats | [set $1-table( | [tabread]
And read out tabread accordingly. Als textfile can be (ab)used in a similar way.
You see, there's more than one way to do it.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
As with the Max object "coll", I would need an index in order to read a chosen list in the future.
I don't know the Max object coll, but this is possible with PDContainer (http://puredata.org/Members/holzi).
LG Georg
Selon "" f.bardet@voila.fr" f.bardet@voila.fr:
Besides what Frank and Georg already mentionned, there are some other solutions :
reading index you need would correspond to the row#)
I personnaly used [msgfile] and [matrix] with great satisfaction for storing data presets ala [coll].
On Jan 19, 2005, at 1:36 PM, julien.breval@tremplin-utc.net wrote:
Don't forget the wonderful and lovely [qlist]. Plus I suppose [xeq]
does this too, with a focus on MIDI data.
"I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three
meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds,
and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.