Hello everybody, I dont know if it the same kind of error I got as David,but when I tried to compile fluid on OSX I got the below error. I have compiled Flext and also fluidsynth, before I tried to compile fluid.
thanks in advance.
g++ -c -O3 -DPD -I/Users/mlab/pd/src/ -I/usr/local/lib/pd/flext/../src -I/usr/local/lib/pd/flext fluid/main.cpp -o pd-darwin/fluid.o g++ -bundle -bundle_loader /Users/mlab/pd/bin/pd -flat_namespace pd-darwin/fluid.o /usr/local/lib/pd/flext/flext.a -lm -lfluidsynth -o pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin ld: Undefined symbols: _vScopy _vadd _vmul _vsmul make: *** [pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin] Error 1 rm pd-darwin/fluid.o
M.Koray Tahiroglu DA student/researcher Media Lab, University of Art and Design Helsinki, TaiK Hameentie 135C 00560 Helsinki Finland http://mlab.uiah.fi/~korayt/ tel: +358 40 754 8449 fax: +358 9 75630 555
Hallo, Koray Tahiroglu hat gesagt: // Koray Tahiroglu wrote:
I dont know if it the same kind of error I got as David,but when I tried to compile fluid on OSX I got the below error. I have compiled Flext and also fluidsynth, before I tried to compile fluid.
thanks in advance.
g++ -c -O3 -DPD -I/Users/mlab/pd/src/ -I/usr/local/lib/pd/flext/../src -I/usr/local/lib/pd/flext fluid/main.cpp -o pd-darwin/fluid.o g++ -bundle -bundle_loader /Users/mlab/pd/bin/pd -flat_namespace pd-darwin/fluid.o /usr/local/lib/pd/flext/flext.a -lm -lfluidsynth -o pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin ld: Undefined symbols: _vScopy _vadd _vmul _vsmul make: *** [pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin] Error 1 rm pd-darwin/fluid.o
Did you get this error when using the flext buildsys? Like in $ flext-build.sh pd gcc ?
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
_ __latest track: "scans" _ http://footils.org/cms/show/41
On 30 Jun 2005, at 16:23, Frank Barknecht wrote:
make: *** [pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin] Error 1 rm pd-darwin/fluid.o
Did you get this error when using the flext buildsys? Like in $ flext-build.sh pd gcc
My experience there was that you *definitely* want to compile flext in the buildsys way (from CVS checkout). For me it was slightly different than Frank's command line:
$ sudo ./build.sh pd gcc
Once you've successfully compiled flext, do the following in footils/fluid:
1- make sure you do 'mkdir pd-darwin' (missing dir there from cvs checkout...someone please add?)
2- g++ -c -O6 -mcpu=G4 -DPD -I/usr/include/src -I/usr/local/lib -I../../grill/flext/source/ fluid/main.cpp -o pd-darwin/fluid.o
3- g++ -bundle -bundle_loader /usr/local/bin/pd -flat_namespace pd-darwin/fluid.o -lm -L/usr/local/lib -lfluidsynth /usr/local/lib/pd/flext/flext.a -framework veclib -o pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin
Obviously, change the paths in those lines to point to where you've compiled flext, and to reflect your pd install directory paths.
Hope that helps,
Hallo, David Plans Casal hat gesagt: // David Plans Casal wrote:
1- make sure you do 'mkdir pd-darwin' (missing dir there from cvs checkout...someone please add?)
2- g++ -c -O6 -mcpu=G4 -DPD -I/usr/include/src -I/usr/local/lib -I../../grill/flext/source/ fluid/main.cpp -o pd-darwin/fluid.o
3- g++ -bundle -bundle_loader /usr/local/bin/pd -flat_namespace pd-darwin/fluid.o -lm -L/usr/local/lib -lfluidsynth /usr/local/lib/pd/flext/flext.a -framework veclib -o pd-darwin/fluid.pd_darwin
Maybe we can try to fix the build using the flext-build system. Inside the "fluid" directory, it should in the end work with something like "flext-build.sh pd gcc" or similar - I don't know, where flext installs the flext-build.sh on OS-X.
Then in "build/gnumake-mac-gcc.inc" it is possible to specify libraries and frameworks. Currently there just is:
LIBS += -framework Fluidsynth
but from reading your g++-line maybe it should be:
LIBS += -lfluidsynth -framework veclib
I'd love, if someone could try this, then I will update the file in CVS.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
_ __latest track: "scans" _ http://footils.org/cms/show/41