i know it was here before, but currently i am failing to find answers : after installing pd-extended, some of the objects from libraries are missing :
pix_record ... couldn't create pix_multiblob 6 ... couldn't create (most of other objects from gem are ok)
readdir ... couldn't create
what i am missing ? Pd version 0.41.0-extended-20080121, on Debian testing.
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I had previously installed older versions of pd and pd-extended. Still is not clear to me if pd-extended actualy uses some files from pd installation. Installing of Pd-0.41.0-extended-20080121-debian-testing-i386.deb went very fast, so i suppose it re-uses packages from previous installation. It looks to me like a big mess i made, probably best to clean up everything and start all over ...
On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 08:15:41PM +0100, Ctrl Alt Back wrote:
i found out i can create those while pd started as root
readdir ... couldn't create
but not this one and others
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Ctrl Alt Back wrote:
to my knowledge, this is not what the debian-package management does. if you update a package, the old one will be removed and the new one will be installed (with some exceptions in /etc). it should take equally long.
pd-extended _used_ to install in /usr/local and thus would not interfere with an existing puredata (debian package) installation which would go to /usr. iirc, hans wanted to fix this (that is: install pd-extended into /usr), but i don't know whether he has already done so.
this most likely means that you are loading a different Gem version as ordinary user and as root. run pd in verbose mode and see what it says when loading Gem (and/or the "missing" objects)
(since you hinted that you might have several versions of pd installed, it might be that root is using /usr/bin/pd your ordinary account is using /usr/local/bin/pd; this also effects the externals that might be found automatically; but this also depends on your path-settings)
conclusion: run "pd -verbose" and run "pd -version" and "which pd" to see which pds the 2 accounts are actually using
mfgard IOhannes